Over the past year or so, I've been bringing you random updates on the film
Monster Brawl, a film that places some of history's most iconic monsters and places them in a tournament to see who is the biggest bad-ass of them all. The film has had me intrigued from the get-go, which is why I continue (albeit lazily) to bring you updates on the film, and being that I am a horror film junkie, this had my name written all over it. Here is a synopsis of the film from the official site:
Set in the tradition of a Per-Per-View main event, comes a grotesque and hilarious fight to the death featuring a cast of eight classic combatants in all. Along with their colorful managers, these Monsters compete in visceral bloody combat in the ring to determine the most powerful monster of all time.
The film has an interesting cast as well, including Kevin Nash and Jimmy Hart of WWE fame as well as Dave Foley, Art Hindle, Herb Dean and horror icon Lance HEnriksen will be narrating. Here is a list of the monsters involved:
Frankenstein- Robert Maillet
Swamp Gut- Jason David Brown
Cyclops- Jason David Brown
Werewolf- RJ Skinner
Mummy- RJ Skinner
Lady Vampire- Kelly Couture
Zombie Man- Rico Montana
Witch Bitch- Holly Letkeman
Now, anyone who takes this film seriously deserves a swift kick in the ass and "Seven Minutes of Heaven" with Gusto. Judging from this teaser, the film will be full of awesome cheesiness that will make for some good entertainment on a boring Saturday night. Despite the high cheese factor, the film, which recently debuted at Fantasia, received some not horrible reviews:
"Monster Brawl, which has just seen its world premiere at Fantasia, is--in my opinion--the undisputed smackdown hit of the festival, if not--indeed--this year's bumper crop of comedy horror."
Dread Central:
"Monster Brawl is 85 minutes of pure fan service. Let’s face it, most of us love “versus” flicks, and Monster Brawl is just one long drawn out sequence of monsters bashing each other over the head. Who needs a plot? Fight!"
"The genius of Monster Brawl is its attention to details. While Monster Brawl takes place in an abandoned cemetery (an incredibly effective and spooky set), the film creates variety by presenting well-shot vignettes before each fight introducing the monsters in their natural environments. Again all the details are right, from the make-up to the pre-fight promos – the Wolf Man is the best monster on the stick, but all the promos are great, especially the hilarious promos by the Mummy and Swamp Gut."
About what I'd expect from a film like this. Anyways, here's the trailer. Take a look and comment below!