New Nightmare marks the return of Wes Craven as a director to the Nightmare franchise and it's quite welcome. The film surrounds Heather Langenkamp and her son in the real world. Heather begins to have these nightmares and she finds out that another Nightmare film is in the wheel house. Her son Dylan begins to have these episodes and stating that Freddy is after him. Wes tells Heather about the new film and that some sort of demon has taken the form of Freddy due to the fact that he died in the 6th installment and that the only one that can stop Freddy is Heather. To save her son Heather must play Nancy one last time.

I think the idea of having the film take place in the "real world" is a good one. A few actors from the first film have come back to play themselves in this one. Including John Saxon, Robert Englund and Wes Craven. However the beautiful Heather Langenkamp steals the show. She is such an amazing actress and plays the role of a mother really well. Dylan however can be a little annoying at times but he does his part.
In this film Freddy is much more menacing. With new make up making him look more demonic then a burn victim and those yellow eyes that seem to pierce right through the screen. Although he still sports the sweater his hat is a dark green and he also sports a trench coat that puts Smallvilles Clark to shame. Also lets not forget the glove which is actually not really a glove any more, it's actually part of his hand! This Freddy (played brilliantly by Robert Englund!) doesn't joke around he's much more evil and would rather cut to the chase and kill you rather then crack a joke.
Although they kills aren't as creative as they have been in the past in this one they don't have to be. I think Craven did that on purpose because he wanted to tell a great story instead of throwing lots of gore at us. However I will say that the two deaths at the beginning of the film at the hands of the robotic claw was pretty cool. I have to HAND it to Wes, I love that part.
The set designs and special effects are astounding. Especially at the climax. The world that Heather is pulled into to fight Freddy looks amazing. Also the head expanding effect when Freddy attempts to eat Dylan is great. Lets not forget Freddy's tongue (which he often uses as a weapon) strangling Heather which looks so gross and wrong at the same time.
Although this film lacks in the creative deaths it makes up for it with its amazing cast, special effects, direction and story telling.
I give "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" a B.