Is it really Iron Patriot? Well my straight forward opinion is no. Norman Osborn is Iron Patriot, and we all know that for those reasons it certainly wouldn’t be that version of the character. Also when you compare this set pic with all the comic art of Iron Patriot, you will notice that the colour scheme is subtly switched around on the helmet and torso, with this “movie Patriot” being blue instead of red. To me that is no doubt inspired by Captain America, and I’m sure there will be some reference in the film that alludes to that.
Another theory that some have come up with is that this suit is merely the War Machine armour re-painted. Well if it is, they have also replaced the helmet, as you will notice it differs from previous Iron Man designs in that the circular piece on the side of the helmet is missing, and the whole face-plate feature of previous suits seems to be gone altogether.
Whatever this turns out to be, it has already increased my enthusiasm levels immensely. There are lots of things now that this film seems to be offering, and I sincerely hope that Shane Black nails it. I personally think that this suit is a nod to the Iron Patriot costume and Detroit Steel ideas, though I hope it isn’t a major part of the film, or at least in its current form…
Given that it is James Badge Dale’s character of Eric Savin wearing it, I wonder if he will get ‘fused’ to the suit with the extremis virus and become a version of Coldblood that way. Coldblood could be this film’s ‘Mallen’ in the storyline.
All in all, I am incredibly excited for this film next year, and I can’t wait for further developments!