G4's Olivia Munn, recently appeared on the latest cover of Complex Magazine, and told them that she had a new role, opposite from the one before, in the upcoming Iron Man 2.
Now shes talking to Complex again, dismissing a rumored role, and which role out of the two she liked best.
Complex: IMDB lists your Iron Man 2 role as “Melina Vostokoff / Iron Maiden”…
Olivia Munn: Jon Favreau made that joke at Comic-Con when I was interviewing him because it’s just a cameo. If I was Iron Maiden, there’d be a big press release. I can’t say what I’m doing at all, because I signed away my life to Marvel if I say anything—but I think I’m allowed to say that everyone seemed to love my catering!
Complex: Did you like your role more before or after the rewrite?
Olivia Munn: This is a trick question, right? If I got to walk past Robert Downey Jr.’s trailer and hand him a bottled water, I would’ve been ecstatic! I’m a huge geek, and to have anything more than a passing glance in Iron Man 2 is a dream come true. I don’t need anything big, just a chance to fulfill a little part of my nerd fantasy. If you made me pick, my first role had more improv and was a lot of fun, but for my second one I got to pick a Marvel Comics character. It’s pretty dope that from here on out, I’m that Marvel character.
To read the rest of the interview of her talking G4, head over to