JUSTICE LEAGUE And REBEL MOON Director Zack Snyder Can't Figure Out Why Some Fans Hate Him

JUSTICE LEAGUE And REBEL MOON Director Zack Snyder Can't Figure Out Why Some Fans Hate Him

Justice League director Zack Snyder has admitted that he can't understand why some fans hate him, but acknowledges that his detractors are "protecting [their] God in a weird way." Read on for details...

By JoshWilding - Mar 08, 2024 06:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Zack Snyder's movies aren't to everyone's tastes, with his unique visual style often splitting opinions. Whether it's the moody aesthetic or a lot of slow motion, the director has a unique approach to filmmaking which has often drawn the ire of critics. 

On the DC side, Snyder's work on movies like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and his cut of Justice League has been similarly divisive. 

Even this week, he's come under fire for saying the Caped Crusader should kill, and Snyder is now questioning why some fans "hate" him. "I remember the last article said, 'Zack Snyder: Love him or hate him.' And I'm like, 'Hate him?!' I don't understand. What? It's a movie," Snyder said on the Joe Rogan Experience. "I have no issue with you not liking the movie. That's not the question. Who cares? The thing is, you'd hate me? I don't understand that."

"That's a lifestyle choice for a lot of people. It's not a movie," he continued. "If I made a romantic comedy, you'd be like, 'OK, that was fun.' I love that [fans] feel this passionately. In no way would I criticize that, because I live the same life. For me, it's morning, noon, and night. For those guys, it's not just a movie."

"So you have to, on some level, you have to acknowledge that this is their religion. And they feel strongly about it. The truth is - it's my religion, too."

Alas, Snyder appears to be reading from a different Bible, particularly if his comments we shared earlier this week about Batman are any indication.

While it's true that Snyder does receive a lot of unwarranted hate for his creative decisions (having Superman kill General Zod was a mistake, albeit not one which warrants the sort of abuse he often receives), it'll be harder for some fans to back him after seeing an interview like this. 

"People are always like, 'Batman can’t kill.' So Batman can't kill is canon," Snyder said. "And I’m like, 'Okay, well, the first thing I want to do when you say that is I want to see what happens.' And they go, 'Well, don’t put him in a situation where he has to kill someone.' I’m like, 'Well, that’s just like you’re protecting your God in a weird way, right? You’re making your God irrelevant.'"

The director has also argued that more people must have seen Rebel Moon than Barbie (believing that would translate to a $1.6 billion box office haul), so he's clearly in something of an outspoken phase...

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bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 7:03 AM
He's not wrong. I just don't like his writing, but he seems like a genuinely good dude from all the interviews and people who worked with him
TheVandalore - 3/8/2024, 7:24 AM
@bkmeijer1 - The people who HATE Snyder are as immature as his fanatics. I understand for a while there during the Martha era it was "hip" to clown on Snyder... but the folks who then made it their mission to stalk every Snyder article for YEARS afterwards to hatemonger to extreme levels that it became insufferable to click on a Snyder article because you knew the usual suspects would race to the comments to talk shit and vent their frustrations.

It became this toxic shit storm on every Snyder article... and only recently have they chilled out, probably because they grew tired of shouting into a void, because Snyder still makes films and still has fans.

Im just happy i can enjoy his work when i happen to now without the pitch forks being grabbed.
marvel72 - 3/8/2024, 9:01 AM
@bkmeijer1 - I have nothing against him, I like his visual style but he can't write for shit.
bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 9:04 AM
@TheVandalore - yeah, hating on Snyder was just a trend. Same with hating on Kennedy, even though she did greenlit Bad Batch, Mandalorian and Andor
bobevanz - 3/8/2024, 9:20 AM
@bkmeijer1 -
Goldboink - 3/8/2024, 10:06 AM
@bkmeijer1 -
I just don't like most of his work. He seems like a nice fellow but the whole "release the Snyder Cut" business put a lot of people off, myself included. I love Watchmen and 300. The rest though I didn't appreciate. I guess it's his huge ego and sense of self importance, like the way he pumped up this whole Netflix business.
bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 10:36 AM
@Goldboink - I can't blame him for that, as I would do the take the same opportunity.

There are too many yes men around him though that allow that. If they just get him an already written story or a good secondary writer, we can get more movies like Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen.
xfactor - 3/8/2024, 10:36 AM
@bkmeijer1 - hes completely in the wrong here. Guys a [frick]ing hack. Period. And its time the world stops paying this guy the attention he craves.
Goldboink - 3/8/2024, 11:20 AM
@bkmeijer1 -
And that was my takeaway as well. He's a poor writer and not a visionary thinker. Great cinematographer and director with a particular style. He never should have been given a creative role but DC/WB was desperate for a "Feige" and they staked out the dark and gritty side of the genre as their territory rather than the bright and jokey take that MCU took.

His best work, really, was translating graphic novels to screen where many of the shots are already there on the page. He should stick to that instead of trying to be the next George Lucas or some such.
Wilke589 - 3/8/2024, 1:19 PM
@TheVandalore - He's an insufferable, troll-enabling, laughably delusional egomaniac prick who never takes any blame for any of the decisions he's made which has factually cost a studio BILLIONS in lost revenue and thousands of people their current jobs/lost future jobs, all while hiding behind a pathetic/completely non-related shield of "but but SUICIDE AND CHARITY!!!!"

But sure, his haters are the immature ones LOL get a grip
bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 2:53 PM
@Goldboink - exactly. Think if he had just done The Dark Knight Returns as it is on the page instead of the jumbled mess that BvS was, the movie would've been received much better.
Goldboink - 3/8/2024, 3:56 PM
@bkmeijer1 -

Dude! He had decades of material to work with that has proven the test of time. All he had to do was pick a story and adapt it. Instead he wanted to put his own stamp on it and screwed the pooch. Effing Ant Man and The Wasp did about the same box office as Justice League. That's a crime.
lazlodaytona - 3/8/2024, 4:00 PM
@bkmeijer1 - What I am more than curious about is why were the "6 ideas for Superman's (yesterday) and Brave and the Bold's (today's)" article's comments sections turned off but this Snyder article, which I like the guy but there's a lot of hatred for him, is still here to let people spew out such evil vitriol towards the poor guy.
lazlodaytona - 3/8/2024, 4:04 PM
@xfactor - funny. never seen one hack ripping on another (supposed/you're 100% wrong btw) hack.

How about root for the guy who lost his daughter to suicide and wish him the best. This is all based on the fact that you do not know Snyder personally.
lazlodaytona - 3/8/2024, 4:06 PM
@Wilke589 - man, you win the title of "biggest Satan's A$$hole" for the previous and future decades.
Wilke589 - 3/8/2024, 4:44 PM
@lazlodaytona - Genius projecting, loser.

Stay laughably delusional X-)
Wilke589 - 3/8/2024, 4:45 PM
@lazlodaytona - LOL aaaand there it is right on cue, the suicide cop-out!

What an unbelievably sad and pathetic fanboy pleb you are.
bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 6:09 PM
@Goldboink - throwing together TDKR, Justice League Origins and Death of Superman was such a weird choice, that it still surprises me it got made.

And that's not even considering how moody everything and everybody was in that movie. Maybe Marvel was onto something with ANatW, but especially with Civil War the same year.
bkmeijer1 - 3/8/2024, 6:15 PM
@lazlodaytona - you mean the comments were turned off on Josh' articles? I only browse the 'news' page on this website, so I don't get to see the list articles. I can see both sides to closing or opening the comments on an article like that though
TheMetaMan - 3/8/2024, 7:07 AM
Zack Synder is a great director and an incredible visionary. His ability to create technically sound and visually immersive action sequences is second to none.
His limitations are making movies based on his own writing (sucker punch) however when he’s directing from an adaptive script, ala MOS, he’s at his best. MOS is such an underrated comicbook movie. So misunderstood. The irony is that no one accepted or appreciated superman returns therefore the studio went in the direction of a cold hard reboot and MOS is the result. I love MOS, favourite superman film by far because it takes risks. Is not afraid to portray a flawed, unrefined version of Superman. The film has genuine stakes, a sense of dread and boasts superb performances from its cast along with preeminent action and effects that still hold up to this day. Synder introduced us to a superman who has just begun his career as the world’s first superhero. A journey that comes with its own trials and tribulations. He had to endure the harsh lessons and experiences from that movie in order to become the man of tomorrow.
Just my two cents.
Forthas - 3/8/2024, 7:17 AM
@TheMetaMan - THIS!

There are IP's that are Taylor made for Zack Snyder like 300 or I would argue Mortal Kombat. No one should hate him personally but one needs to acknowledge that his narrative choice - specifically Batman v Superman - doomed a entire movie franchise and the effects of it are felt more than ten years later.
TheVisionary25 - 3/8/2024, 7:21 AM
@TheMetaMan - I didn’t care much for MOS overall but by the end , I think it had potential to develop into something special which i was interested to see…

Sadly I think the ball was dropped in BVS but to each their own.

Do think MOS is still his best DCEU film for whatever that’s worth.

FinnishDude - 3/8/2024, 7:27 AM
@TheMetaMan - I dunno, every single adaptation he has worked on (except maybe that owl movie, which I have neither seen or heard ton of people talk about), is pretty seriously dumbed down from the source material.
LSHF - 3/8/2024, 9:09 AM
@TheMetaMan - 100% agree.

I know three people personally (including me) who love MOS, but none of us are comic book fans, and the liberties (if one wants to call it that) taken not only didn't bother us, but it's part of what we liked about the story.

His take was of a relatable person.
Arthorious - 3/8/2024, 9:32 AM
@TheVisionary25 - This, BvS was the wrong direction to go. A Man of Steel stand alone sequel could've set up more Superman lore, could've been a proper sequel, and could've fleshed out Clark more. I get WB, is very reactionary and wanted that Marvel money quickly without the work, but look at where it got them.
Goldboink - 3/8/2024, 11:22 AM
@TheVisionary25 -
MOS is the most cogent of his DC films but he already was setting up the whole "world distrusts Supes" thing and decided to make him kind of a doosh instead of the guardian of Truth, Justice and The American Way.
harryba11zack - 3/8/2024, 7:15 AM
They are just jealous because they never invented the Snynder cut.
EgoEgor - 3/8/2024, 7:18 AM
I like Zack the person, from the little I've seen, I don't like Zack the filmmaker, especially the one who wants to tackle established characters and undermine what makes them special; in turn it just looks irreverence.

Zack doesn't like paragon characters. He likes anti-heroes to his core. He should realize superman and batman just aren't the characters for his sensibilities. The only Batman thing he likes is Dark Knight Returns, I've never heard him mention anything else. He doesn't get the character.
HulkisHoly - 3/8/2024, 12:13 PM
@EgoEgor -

Agreed 1000% on all sentiments.
lazlodaytona - 3/8/2024, 4:14 PM
@EgoEgor - So, for ONE film he didn't do what you liked for established characters. How. Did you not like Watchmen? He handled those characters dang near perfectly along with the 300 characters. and if he would have had a chance to do his two-part JL he would have nailed those characters (especially and surprisingly Cyborg which his cut completely redefined the character from the Josussuck League).
HashTagSwagg - 3/8/2024, 7:19 AM
They hate him cause they ain't him, pure and simple.
DrReedRichards - 3/8/2024, 7:50 AM
@HashTagSwagg -

Technically, you're not entirely wrong. I will admit, I have often wished I could just fart whatever nonsense and have a cult of gullible idiots praise it as gospel.
J0RELLC00LJ - 3/8/2024, 8:46 PM
@DrReedRichards - yeah, I wish I could be Taylor Swift too....
HarryBloodscreaming - 3/8/2024, 7:31 AM
Everyone isn’t a “fan”. Fans are people who like a thing. I’m not a fan who hates Zack Snyder, I just don’t like his movies. A “non-fan”.
TheVisionary25 - 3/8/2024, 7:33 AM
I definitely don’t hate the guy, he seems like he’s genuinely nice which is great…

However ultimately I just felt his execution was lacking rather than his creative choices , some of which sounded interesting on paper imo and could have worked (atleast for me).

Anyway , I still haven’t checked out Rebel Moon but I thought Army of The Dead was decent so I will gladly see more of his “original” work moving forward…

It’s just his vision for the DCU is something I don’t agree much if at all with which is fine.

RedFury - 3/8/2024, 12:28 PM
@TheVisionary25 - I enjoyed Army of the Dead as well. Not the greatest writing, and I hate some of the characters; but it was a fun and entertaining flick. I've watched it probably 5 times since it's release. I like to think of it as a guilty pleasure. He should have just stuck with that franchise rather than shifting over to Rebel Moon. I feel like Zombies are the ballpark that he plays well in.
JobinJ - 3/8/2024, 7:36 AM
I like him. Loved his take on the characters. BvS is one of my favorites. MoS is an amazing film. Sue me.
EgoEgor - 3/8/2024, 7:36 AM
Zack Snyder doesn't like Batman, he just likes The Dark Knight Returns; and not the moral thematic core of the story but the cool and edgy elements of the comic.
Evansly - 3/8/2024, 8:44 AM
@EgoEgor - He also misses the point of the comic. Batman still doesn't kill in it, the mutant he shoots lives, Batman says it himself
Gmoney84 - 3/8/2024, 7:39 AM
Our fan base is toxic as hell. We’re all part of the problem.
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