JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder Reveals Plan To Restore Superman's Humanity In Scrapped Sequels

JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder Reveals Plan To Restore Superman's "Humanity" In Scrapped Sequels

DC Studios Rumored To Be Planning A JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL Movie
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DC Studios Rumored To Be Planning A JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL Movie

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DaHyro - 3/10/2021, 2:51 AM
I can’t wait until we’re past this..

Think about it. The year is 2028. We just finished Matt Reeves’ Batman trilogy, got our 2nd movie in a new Superman series, Ezra’s Flash passed into the Speed Force and we’re getting a Wally West series, and we’re now getting reboots of Wonder Woman/Aquaman/Green Lantern to properly set up an all new Justice League movie. Life is good
bkmeijer2 - 3/10/2021, 3:09 AM
@DaHyro - I'm actually fine with the current Wonder Woman and Aquaman, and I don't think reboots, besides Batman and Superman, are really needed. Enougg other interesting characters to focus on.
DaHyro - 3/10/2021, 3:17 AM
@bkmeijer - I like them too, but I don’t really see them wanting to keep playing them for another 5-10 years after their trilogies end. At least, not Momoa.
bkmeijer2 - 3/10/2021, 3:46 AM
@DaHyro - that's true. I can see them being reduced to rulers of their respective kingdoms and have Wonder Girl and Aqualad take over
MahN166A - 3/10/2021, 2:51 AM

Zack Snyder's Justice League arrives on HBO Max later this month, and even if you're not particularly excited about that, chances are you'll be curious to see how it differs to Joss Whedon's version.”

Calling us out huh, Josh? Lmao
BoW - 3/10/2021, 7:30 AM
@SatsuiNoJXA - Of course. You guys are helping pay his salary.
MahN166A - 3/10/2021, 11:56 AM
@BobbyW -

Last I checked I never asked for this cut in the first place. Don’t see the connection you are making.
BoW - 3/10/2021, 1:33 PM
@SatsuiNoJXA - Josh’s salary, aka the writer of these million articles.
MahN166A - 3/10/2021, 1:55 PM
@BobbyW -

So you fall into the category of “you guys”, since you clicked on this article.
I assume its because you are okay with the numerous and pointless ZSJL articles?
BoW - 3/10/2021, 2:47 PM
@SatsuiNoJXA - You’re getting there. Slowly but surely.

Of course I’m okay with all these articles, otherwise I wouldn’t click on them. I wouldn’t go on articles just to complain how “I don’t care” about the subject at hand. That’s just moronic.
MahN166A - 3/10/2021, 3:42 PM
@BobbyW -

That’s 90% of the user base in regards to this film. Lmao.

I feel like I am almost there!

BoW - 3/11/2021, 10:51 AM
@SatsuiNoJXA - Respect for taking my comment lightly. You’re cool. ✊
RageDriver2401 - 3/10/2021, 2:55 AM
"The way I saw it, it was not our movie"

Of course it was. It was a condensed version of the movie they were making. Had the movie done well these folks would be singing a different tune, but who wants to associate their name to a failure.
BigPhilbowski - 3/10/2021, 5:45 AM
@RageDriver2401 - well snyders rereleasing BvS so I guess he doesn't mind putting his name to a failure
bkmeijer2 - 3/10/2021, 3:07 AM
Thought it had to do with Writers Guild rules or something like that.

And yeah, she isn't talking about Fisher. Unless I'm completely misreading the situatiom and Ray is in fact happy with how the situation was resolved.
Tasmaniac - 3/10/2021, 3:17 AM
“So I still got paid, that’s why”
Kman - 3/10/2021, 3:18 AM
I’m pretty tired of these two at this point... show the movie,
let’s move on
Roodi - 3/10/2021, 3:23 AM
Yeah, they kept it in there in the off chance it was a hit because they were 0-2.
roboticJohnson - 3/10/2021, 3:32 AM
How come every time someone talks about something that happened with joss whedon on the set of jl it was solved thanks to the higher ups, except when it comes to ray fisher? Really, every new thing we learn always goes against his narrative.
MrDandy - 3/10/2021, 5:54 AM
They did it for their close friend Benjamin Franklin.
GeneralZod - 3/10/2021, 8:22 AM
"It was not our movie."

Textbook narcissist, gaslighting fans and shifting blame to the end.
4thMaster - 3/10/2021, 10:17 AM
That doesn’t really answer “why” though. Right?
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