Clancy Brown Being Considered for LOBO?

Clancy Brown Being Considered for LOBO? spoke exclusively to a source very close to the development of the Lobo movie and tells them that Guy Ritchie (director) is "gung-ho" on the 'Lobo' film adaption project and is working hard to shaping up the script for filming sometime next year.

By LEEE777 - Oct 21, 2009 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Lobo

The guys at Mania asked their source if there was any plans to cast a wrestler or bodybuilder for the role of Lobo, that could match Lobo's big physique from the DC comics.

From's source: "Lobo has to look like that, but the person being Lobo doesn't necessarily," our source told us. "I'm not saying that's how they're gonna do it because they're still trying to work that out, but for example Andy Serkis doesn't particularly look like Gollum, you know? It's all about performance."

Then the source is asked will Lobo be all CGI, a la Gollum or Hulk or King Kong even? The source said they could go that route or they could go with a mix of costume, makeup and CGI enhancements, similar to what was seen in the 'Hellboy' movies and Pirates.

"Ultimately regardless of whether you do it all CG or its a guy in a suit, with CG, you'll still end up doing a lot of CG animation. So do you need a celebrity? Do you need a name or do you just get someone who is good and who's gonna nail it?"

The inside source says a name that's come up frequently in meetings is Clancy Brown.

Brown, a veteran of too many genre films including 'Highlander' and recently he was Brother Crowe in 'Carnivale' and the heroic tracker John Clay in 'The Burrowers'. Also of course he's also known as the voice of Lex Luthor in various animated productions including the recent animated 'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' movie.

Mania's source then said, "Wouldn't he be awesome? I think he'd knock it out of the park."

The studio hasn't truly begun the casting process. A lot has to happen before they actually start approaching actors and any making offers. So for now Clancy Brown is just a name being tossed around at meetings.

Thanks to the guys at Mania for the info.

LEEE777 - Clancy Brown i don't know, i'm kinda hoping for the likes of Kevin Durand or Jeffery Dean Morgan, but i really hope they don't go the Wrestler route, what do you guys think?


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LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 9:38 AM
: )
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 9:50 AM
Nor me @ TEA and ta. Yeah he's a great animated LEX but not too sure either on this man.
Bamf7 - 10/21/2009, 9:54 AM
He wouldn't be my first pick...but I wouldn't be pissed either. What about Mickey Rourke? Or even Ron Perlman? Maybe that's a little too close to Hellboy for Ron though...
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 9:55 AM
I reckon these should be the top ones to play LOBO:

Kevin Durand:


Andrew Bryniarski:
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 9:56 AM
Yeah, CLANCY'S a good actor but, is he pumped enough for LOBO??
MarkCassidy - 10/21/2009, 9:58 AM
Who cares? You heard what they said, he would be enhanced a la Hellboy. Anyway he's a damn mountain of a man. Brown would [frick]ing own Lobo!
ClintEastwood - 10/21/2009, 10:04 AM
Is that the guard in The Shawshank Redemption?
ItsNotASchooner - 10/21/2009, 10:04 AM
I think Clancy Brown could do it really well. His voice lends itself greatly to the type of voice Lobo should have. Plus all his experience as Mister Crabs from Spongebob should help
ClintEastwood - 10/21/2009, 10:05 AM
Hey that's the Lex Luthor Voice actor
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 10:06 AM
Clint @ Yes on both counts.
imnotwearinghockeypants - 10/21/2009, 10:13 AM
Nah, he's too old and wooden. Plus, he was in Pet Sematary II. Durand's got the freakishly large head to pull of Lobo, he's the best option on the board by far.
lc - 10/21/2009, 10:21 AM
i think you should be lobo
leee lmao
loganoneil - 10/21/2009, 10:25 AM
'YES' for Clancy, 'HELL NO!' for a PG-13 rating!
inked - 10/21/2009, 10:28 AM
If anybody can play Lobo, it's Clancy Brown! He has fun with everything he does, can act and can physically fit the role with some preparation. Two thumbs up!

Lee, thanks for the good news!
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 10:41 AM
INKED @ Your welcome buddy!

lc @ Lmao!

LOGAN @ I'm with you on the PG-13 hopefully that'll changem well ya never know lol.
ecksmanfan - 10/21/2009, 10:52 AM
That's an interesting selection. I was thinking Ryan Reynolds or maybe Jensen Ackles, but Clancy would work, too.
LEEE777 - 10/21/2009, 10:55 AM
ECKS @ Lmao!!
supermarioworldE - 10/21/2009, 11:01 AM
He would have been a great choice......ten years ago. He's in his 50's, although Ron Perlman is almost in his 60's and he really pulled off Hellboy. I'm torn between age, and special effects
ecksmanfan - 10/21/2009, 11:02 AM
I was thinking Sam Worthington could bring that aspect out of the character...
ecksmanfan - 10/21/2009, 11:06 AM
Haha! Nice.
Shaman - 10/21/2009, 11:11 AM
I've said it before and i'll say it again. What makes Lobo is the facial expressions and the on-screen charm which Brown has absolutely none of. The only choice to have displayed any is Jeffrey Dean Morgan!!! Just clic on the pic to learn why he's PERFECT for Lobo:

shahrazstate - 10/21/2009, 11:24 AM
I have been going to the mtv website lately and I noticed James Preston Rogers is the best choice for Lobo. Clancy Brown is just too old to be Lobo.
MarkCassidy - 10/21/2009, 11:36 AM
lol, Shaman are you saying Brown has no facial expressions?? Dude the guy has charm, charisma, facial expressions to burn! What have you seen him in to base that scurrilous comment on!:)

Stuff that Brown is [frick]ing amazing in. Highlander(The Kurgan is basically a version of Lobo anyway!), Shawshank, Carnivale, Lost.

Stuff that JDM has been [frick]ing amazing in: Watchmen.

Don't get me wrong, I think he would be a great choice too, but Im not into the whole "there can be only one" thing . Durand is also a great choice.
BigHeadSarge - 10/21/2009, 11:36 AM
@ deathmetalbrain: Only if they're mine. Been a while since I've had my balls sucked. :P
Hawksblueyes - 10/21/2009, 11:45 AM
I'm with Ror on this .I think Brown would own this roll,not that Morgan and others could not.But this notion of there can be only one because I said so is rediculous.
darkclaw89 - 10/21/2009, 11:48 AM
I trust in Guy Ritchie,i love his movies(Swept away dont count) His lead actors never disappoint
ecksmanfan - 10/21/2009, 12:05 PM
@Teabag- Dammit, man! Why do you need to ruin these conversations with such verbal pollution! =)

@Multi- Rico's Roughnecks!!! Forgot he was in that one!
thwhtGuardian - 10/21/2009, 12:27 PM
clancy brown is great! his age shouldn't even be an issue for as someone said perlman pulls off hellboy perfectly.
dancingmonkey08 - 10/21/2009, 12:28 PM
Clancy Brown is awesome but no, he wouldnt suit the role

LEEE's choices are better
superdog - 10/21/2009, 12:29 PM
dammit ROR beat me too it. i was gonna point out that his highlader character was basically a version of lobo and he was brilliant in that role. i remeber him from the short lived earth 2 t.v. show as well. i think the guys is a great choice. as are all the others mentioned here. except jensen ackles, that guy blows.
Shaman - 10/21/2009, 12:30 PM
Ror- Brown is an amazing actor but has the charisma of Dalip Singh or Andre the Giant. He's got a face like a brick that drools. Sure he's got "facial expressions" like everyone, just not suitable ones when compared to Lobo's character. Lobo isn't just a brute, he's a sarcastic brute which shows in his facial expressions even more than in what he mutters. Brown, being the stellar voice actor that he is, just doesn't have the face or the charm for it.

Kevin Durand is also a way better choice than Brown. Even if IMO he isn't as good as JDM. If Brianarski(or however you spell it) had any acting talents whatsoever, i'd choose him over Brown any day also. Even Brad Garret is a better choice than Brown. I mean, you gotta give credit where credit is due. Brown is awesome at what he does but it just doesn't suit Lobo's full character. Size is only the half of it.

Kev- I would even prefer Rourke over Brown since he is my second choice.

I'm not for the "there can only be one" mentality, i just have preferences. Oh and James Preston Rogers is a total SHIT choice no matter which website you go on!!!
Weeton - 10/21/2009, 1:10 PM
Clancy Brown is the shizzy. i would contest that he could do anything (think mr. krabs from spongebob). and also, just because a person looks good in the part doesn't mean they will be good in that part. and the inverse is also very true. even if clancy brown doesn't meet the definitive expectation of lobo we have in our minds, his acting chops will undoubtedly make up for it. i hope this pans out.
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