John Arturo - When did you start collecting and how did you get into the hobby?
Dylan Conley - I started collecting when I was probably about 4 or 5. Batman action figures, coloring books, t-shirts, you know, the usual for that age. I've been a big Batman fan since I was about 5 and that's what got me interested in the genre. I started reading comics when I was about 12(?) and now just slowly add to it with graphic novels, t-shirts, DVDs, bottleheads, etc.
John Arturo - You collection mainly consists of Marvel collectibles, what draws you to Marvel over another company like DC Comics?
Dylan Conley - A lot more of the Marvel heroes interest me than the DC ones (which makes me sound like a hypocrite after I just expressed my love for Batman and I posted my 6-film Justice League fancast). The "turn off" with DC is how they have all these different titles of the same characters but they aren't all connected. The DCU "reboot" didn't help much either. But it mostly has to do with characters when it comes down to it (Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Deadpool, Magneto, etc.). Marvel having so many movies compared to DC (especially with Nolan's Batman series being the only good modern ones) also is factor.
John Arturo - Do you collect anything else?
Dylan Conley - You mean besides dust? I have a pretty extensive DVD collection I frequently add to (I'm an even bigger movie buff than superhero guy) and I did collect basketball cards but stopped.
John Arturo - What are your favorite collectible companies?
Dylan Conley - I'm not really sure I have one, since most of my collectibles are pretty easy to find items. Hasbro makes stuff, so maybe them.
John Arturo - What is your favorite part of collecting?
Dylan Conley - Just to have stuff of my own that 1) I enjoy due to my love of the characters and that 2) shows my personal pride in.
John Arturo - What is the key thing you look for in an item you want to add to your collection?
Dylan Conley - If the item is worth the price and if it will last.
John Arturo - What is your favorite movie?
Dylan Conley - OK, I'm strange with this, so this may be a weird answer. The Dark Knight is my favorite movie but not the best one I've seen. The best one I've seen is Se7en (followed closely by TDK and Saving Private Ryan).
John Arturo - What is your favorite piece from your collection?
Dylan Conley - Probably the Batman: The Animated Series action figure I've had since I was 4. I still remember when my mom got it for me at the Warner Bros. store (since closed) in our local mall. Made my day and I took that thing everywhere.
John Arturo - What are some items you are most looking forward to adding to your collection?
Dylan Conley - Scarlett Johansson's used Black Widow costume (fingers crossed :P), several more graphic novels, the good CBMs on DVD, and just whatever cool stuff I can find.
John Arturo - Finally, what is your favorite aspect of
Dylan Conley - The fact that's it's a well organized place for fans to read about and discuss the comics they feel so strongly about. And fan-fic (Shameless Plug: check out my Justice League and Bonanza fancasts!).
If you want to know more about collecting statues/high end items, or just want to see what kind of interesting collectibles are out there, visit my statue devoted site
Lethal Farce.
If you have a collection (don't worry about the size, it could be 4-5 items and that is still a collection right?) and want me to showcase it on the site, then shoot me an email by clicking the "Contact Me" link here. I will shoot you a few questions to answer to go along with the images and once a week we will showcase a users collection on here.