Heroes and Villains are sometimes born green while others chose green, but either way, they are using it now and have left their mark on our lives. And at Superherostuff we have shirts and other stuff to show off your favorite on St. Patrick’s Day. So here are some of the biggest green names in the multiverse.
The Biggest green guy out there has to be the Hulk! All Green, all Angry, all Smash. What more do you want on St. Patrick’s day, well other then maybe another drink.
When it comes to green who would know more about it than Gotham’s resident “green thumb” miss Poison Ivy, but be forewarned don’t hurt one of her little green friends or you will see a different color from her for sure.
The next three heroes all have green as part of their hero name. You guessed it, the Green Lantern, the Green Arrow and the Green Ranger. Whether it’s projecting your will from a power ring to shooting arrows with deadly accuracy to controlling a Dragonzord, these three know how to do it while looking good in green.
Loki, our favorite trickster, knows what he likes and what he likes is wearing green, or wait – is it yellow, maybe he is just playing tricks on us but we do know this he is green…green with envy of Thor.
Riddle me this – which of batman’s villains has left his mark with green question marks…that’s right – the Riddler!
The final four not only were born green but are a lethal fighting, pizza eating team, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. When not laying down a green ninjutsu beating while protecting NYC, they are some of the coolest turtles you could ever meet.
So no matter which green character you like – support them and get your green superhero shirts for St. Patrick’s day or any other last minute green stuff you might need at