COSPLAY: Pamela Colnaghi As Elektra, Lum, Leifang, Blue Rose & Psylocke
The incredibly lovely Italian cosplayer, Pamela Colnaghi, dressed as Lum from Urusei Yatsura, Leifang from The Dead or Alive, Blue Rose from Tiger and Bunny and Elektra & Psylocke from Marvel Comics. Hit the jump to check it out.
Lum - Urusei Yatsura
Cosplayer: Pamela Colnaghi * Photographer: Cinzia Mele ........................................................................
Psylocke - Marvel Comics
Cosplayer: Pamela Colnaghi * Photographer: Marcello ........................................................................
Blue Rose - Tiger & Bunny
Cosplayer: Pamela Colnaghi * Photographer: Olivia Gozzano ........................................................................
Elektra - Marvel Comics
Cosplayer: Pamela Colnaghi
Photographers: Andrea Bonvissuto & Gianluca Bia ........................................................................
Leifang - The Dead or Alive
Cosplayer: Pamela Colnaghi
Photographers: Rossella Siani & Davide Cattaneo
Leifang, spelled Lei Fang in the first Dead or Alive, is a college student and T'ai Chi Ch'uan prodigy from the Dead or Alive series, who made her debut in the original Dead or Alive. Throughout the series, she seeks to fight Jann Lee, who is thought to have saved her life at one stage in her past, to prove herself to him that she too is a strong individual. However, Leifang has lost to Jann Lee in almost every tournament, except the 4th one, where she finally defeated him. - deadoralive.wikia