Lobo Vs. Wolverine
Now I know they already did this in the 1996 crossover of DC Vs. Marvel but it was put to a fan vote. I think that it was just a popularity contest because in the storyline Wolverine won but in my opinion I believe Lobo would sweep the floor with him.
Ok Lobo is a badass who can regenerate at least 10 times faster than good ol' Logan. He has been known to be able to regenerate a complete copy of himself from a drop of his blood. And he's so violent and just crazy that he has been banned from entering heaven or hell. He can also survive in space unprotected he has gone toe to toe with superman and won, oh and i forgot to mention he killed his entire race for his highschool science project and then gave himself an A lol.
Now dont get me wrong Logan's a crazy s.o.b. he can regenerate his health way to fast for a regular attack to kill him. His adamantium skeleton makes it pretty much impossible to do any kind of limb damage or bone breaking attacks against him, he has won his fair share of fights. But dont forget he has been beaten down numerous times by numerous enemies(Sabertooth,Daken,Cyber etc.) hell Sabertooth alone is a big problem for Wolverine. And I'm sorry but when you get tracked down and then beat down to within an inch of death every year on your birthday by a villian that most people think is not even close to as strong as you. Than you're not gonna be winning to many battles with a guy that can track you down across the galaxy.
Well there is my opinion on the matter I'll probably do more of these later on I just wanted to do this one cause it's been on my mind lately.
Thanks for reading and let me know what you think in the comments.
(I found my pictures on google.com)