Coming up on my 30th birthday (in March), I've taken a look back at many of my drawings over the years and not much has changed in my style. I've always had problems drawing women especially female faces and hands. I usually made the hands to decrepit and old looking and the faces far to masculine. After years and years I finally became tired of my skill not moving forward. I began tracing bodies etc and then adding my own designs to them, usually drawings done by Jim Lee.
Finally, just the other day I was watching one of the Jim Lee teaches How to draw videos from comic-con and I stumbled upon a series of videos by Mark Crilley. Each of these videos takes the viewer step by step on how to draw a variety of people, clothing, animals, scenes etc. I highly recommend taking a look at his youtube page and practicing on your own. After watching several of these that I've had trouble with, my skills have been getting better and better. Allow me to show you some before and after pictures of my own drawings.
Before I began watching the videos, my drawings of women looked like this...

Here's one I did today as my LAST drawing of 2012
I've only been watching Mark's videos a few days now, but as you can see there is improvement... although I'm not quite yet where I'd prefer to be, but I am improving. So at this time I'd like to give a special thanks to Mark Crilley for creating his "How to Draw..." Youtube page, it helps greatly. Below is the video I'm currently watching.
Also at this time, I'd like give a very BIG shout out to my wife Elizabeth (who goes by LisaWho on CBM), she just turned 30 today on New Years eve and I've been giving her crap all day about now being a cougar for being married to a younger man lol.