First of all, let me get this off my chest: Hey, Mickey Rourke, [frick] you, you [frick]ing weird looking plastic surgery botch-job, you half a friggin monster. What happened to your face after Rumblefish? You look like Dr. Erskine injected a bad batch of Super Soldier serum into your cheeks and lips. Immortals is a bigger failure than Iron Man 2 and no amount of 'layers' you thought you put into yet another bad guy role is going to change that. Don't you dare slander the Marvel name because you were in a mediocre movie. I'm sorry they scrapped some of your scenes, but Mickey, it's only a 2 hour movie. They have to edit, guy. Did you really have some hang-your-head-out-of-the-police car scene like Ledger that got scrapped? Not likely. Anyway, I am sure if you'd a died, they would have included more of your stellar performance. Really.
Ok, ahem, I digress, now Mickey, all ranting aside, I want you to know that I really am one of your biggest fans. I mean 'Rumblefish', 'Sin City', 'The Wrestler' were terrific movies. I thought you were even good in Iron Man 2; hell, I was scared of your Russian ass. But Mickey, you struck a nerve when you started disrespecting Marvel. I know Marvel has problems, but you have to understand one thing: I can call my momma a bitch, but don't you call my momma bitch, you know? The damn thing is, though, I think it hurt so much because...well, what you said is true.

Marvel does have a deep history of making below average to horrible movies. Yes, I'm talking about Daredevil and Elektra; and, yes, I'm talking about three failed Punisher movies; and, yes, I'm talking about the butchering of Wolverine; but it is more than that. I don't now if all of the fanboys on here are ready to admit it, because we are all so stoked to see our favorite characters on-screen, but there is one fact that haunts me: The majority of Marvel movies, including Thor, Captain America, and X-Men, have been mediocre at best (Iron Man being the exception). True, there have been glimpses of something special, but there have been no groundbreaking, jaw-dropping things going on like when Matrix or Sin City came out, or when Dark Knight Returns took comic book movies to a new level. Now, what Marvel is doing with The Avengers and the lead up to the The Avengers is groundbreaking, don't get me wrong, but there is a lot of expectations with this movie, and I will admit that I am a little nervous about them pulling it off. Maybe that's why I am letting Rourke get to me. Avengers is Marvel's chance to do something spectacular and I pray that he is wrong and that Avengers is not some science fiction 'Marvel piece of crap'. And oh yeah, Rourke--[frick] you for saying that.