IronMatt 2014 CBM Power Rankings

IronMatt 2014 CBM Power Rankings

with TMNT in theaters it is time to rank all of the CBM's of the year. Hit the jump to check out my power ranking.

Editorial Opinion
By IronMatt71 - Aug 11, 2014 08:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: imdb

2014 has set the bar for comic book movies. We had everything this year from Cap to Transformers. This year was amazing and I am counting down the minutes until 5-1-15. With TMNT in theaters, it is time to rank the CBMs. SPOILER WARNING to all those who have not been able to enjoy all of the Comic Book fun of the year. Before I begin I need to give Honorable mention to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I loved it, it was amazing. However, this is not a hero story. Yes, I believe Ceasar and Malcom are heroes but at the end of this movie, a war had begun. Apes Strong!!! AND HERE WE GO...

#8- The Amazing Spider-Man 2
   Yes, TASM2 is last on my rankings. Have you ever been on a boat on choppy water? That is was this movie was. It was terrible. It had moments of greatness, but it failed on many levels. For starters, during the two and half hour runtime, I believe 2 or 3 years pass. I can't tell you how long exactly, because it was never explained to us at all. One minute, he is loving life as Spidey and graduating high school. The next, it is a year later he and Gwen are done and he is stalking her? I love Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. He has the attitude and comedic flare to dawn the suit, but he is terrible as Peter Parker. I don't believe it is his fault, the poor script is to blame. There are so many mediums to check out Peter and Spidey. Where did they find an EMO version? Yes, he is socially awkward and nerdy, but he is not EMO. I love the relationship between Pete and Gwen, it was the shining star of the film. Emma Stone was great as usual and her character recieved the proper comic book ending she deserved. It was spot-on and accurate to the comic book. OSCORP and the villians, however, were not like what I remember at all. I want to keep this short, because I could write about Electro and Goblin all day. Jamie Foxx is a decent actor and even his acting skill could not save the character of Electro. He looked like Dr. Manhattan from Watchman and his motive for hating Spidey, pathetic: they couldn't find a better reason than Spidey not wanting to be his friend? The way he saw the power grid was cool, but not enough to make him likeable. Goblin, oh Goblin, why have they changed you so much? Yes, William Dafoe's Norman Osborne Goblin from the Original looked like a green Iron Man on Halloween, it was still more comic accurate than anything they put out in this movie. Forget about Norman, they skip right to Harry becoming the Goblin. The Super Soldier Serum (which should create the Goblin) is replaced with the same venom from the spiders that bit Pete, and because Harry isn't related to Richard Parker, he becomes the Goblin. I could go on forever. HEY SPARKLES, WAIT FOR REDBOX FOR THIS MOVIE. 1/5 *

     This movie came out way back in Feburary and has already come to Blu-Ray, but it still holds up better than TASM2. The plot was decent and somewhat different from the original. I still like the original better, because of the ultra-violence. I wish they would have taken the route the original did, and went an R rating. I know they were trying to reach a broader audience, but it needed to be more violent to pack more of a punch. Joel Kinneman was a decent choice for the role of Alex Murphy/ ROBOCOP. He is not a great actor by a stretch, but with limited lines (most of them meant to sound a bit robotic) he did ok. Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman, and Samuel L. Jackson were bright spots and always bring something to the table because they are great actors. My only issue with this movie is the way they handled his humanity. In the original, ROBOCOP obeyed three basic princples and they kind of glossed over those throughout the movie. All in all, not great, not bad, but a decent movie. DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME 2/5 **

He would have been number five, if it wasn't for his limited screen time (that combined with the over-use of Bryan Cranstons' name).  This movie promoted Bryan as the star and he was in the film for all of twenty minutes. Don't get me wrong, I like Aaron- Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen. I mean who couldn't? They are about to star as Quilksilver and Scarlet WItch. Their characters in this movie, however, were poorly written and really didn't hit home the way the pair potrayed their characters on screen. It seemed to me, that ATJs' character was basically being followed by Godzilla and the other monsters made me question the plot and writing. The Monsters they created for Big G to fight were pretty interesting. I didn't need to see a giant MUTO baby sack on the female, but that is a nitpick. I wish they would have listened to Ken Watanabes' character and let Godzilla do his thing. He is the star and that was what we were all there to see. When we finally get the full reveal of him in his massive entirety- amazing. The CGI looked awesome, but I wanted to see him level Vegas. In all, I believe he was on screen for a total of fifteen minutes, but when he was, it was epic. The final battle, where he really gets to put on a show, was amazing. It was a little dark, but I still have to give Gareth Edwards credit for making a great movie. The lack of the title character forces me to lower my ranking of this awesome and intense movie. IT'S GUNNA SEND US BACK TO THE STONE AGES 2/5**

#5- Transformers: Age of Extinction
I really wanted to put Godzilla higher on the ranking, but his lack of screentime compared to Optimus and friends was laughable. This movie was way, way, way to long, but it was the best transformers film since the original. Maybe it was the removal of one, Shia LaBeouf for Mark Wahlberg or the new villian other than Megatron. We all love Megatron, but how many times are him and Optimus going to go at it and than have him run away? The introduction of Lockdown and his relationship with Kelsey Grammar was fresh and new. I have to give Michael Bay credit for Lockdown, he was down right Badas$. The redesign of Optimus and Bumblebee was cool and definitely a color upgrade since the last outing. I do have a problem with Bay and his stereotypes. Ken Watanabes' Drift was terrible. I didn't know Autobots were samurais. John Goodmans' Hound was a fat, cigar smoking, slob. I just wish they would develop these characters as they were intended to be when they were created. The human plot was updated and pretty cool. Kelsey Grammar and Stanley Tucci were attempting to obtain "Transformium" to create their own transformers. I wish they would have seperated the Lockdown and Transformium storylines into two films not only for length, but to develop each story more. Stanley Tucci using Megatrons' brain to create Galvatron was awesome, but I would have liked that to be the next story after Lockdown. Mark Wahlberg was such a step up on Shia LaBeouf. He actual had scenes where he runs around shooting human sized alien guns (plot hole much?) He actually tried to help the Autobots, not just run around screaming "help!" fom Optimus and Bumblebee. I could have done without his daughter or her statutory-rape-rule-carrying-boyfriend. No, serisouly, he had a card. I could not make this up. I wish they wouldn't have killed TJ Millers' character, he was a great and much needed comedic relief that didn't feel forced. Like I said, I wanted Godzilla higher on the list, but with a almost three hour run time it is hard to compare Optimus and Godzillas' screeentime. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT!!! 3/5 ***

#4- X-men: Days of Future Past
I know I will catch a lot of heat for this movie not being higher on my ranking, but I have my issues with this movie. This was supposed to be the shining light for the X-Men franchise and I do agree it was amazing, but the original cast was relegated to less than thirty mintues of screentimes. Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are amazing in their respective roles and they were so under utilized. The First Class cast is amazing in their own right, but again certain characters (Beast) were under utilized.  I love Jennifer Lawerence in everything she does. She is talented and down right hot even in blue make up, however I would have liked less Mystique and more Quicksilver and Beast. I do have one issue with Beast. He is not the Hulk, he can not go in and out of being the Beast. The serum he created was a cop out, so they didn't have to have Nick Holt in Full Beast makeup all the time. Quicksilver was amazing and Marvel/Disney has a lot to live up to with their version next year. Here is to hoping Evan Peters returns for Apocalypse. Back to the origianl cast, when I heard almost all the origianl cast was returning I was thrilled. What once was excitment turned to sadness as many of our favorite X-Men were reduced to cameos......cough (Rogue).....cough. Many liberties were taken in this, as often is the case with FOX. Kitty Pride is suddenly able to transport people's minds through time. Last, we saw her she could only walk through walls. The finale was fantasic with Magneto in both timelines stealing the show. The end result was powerful and intense. The scene where the two Xaviers connect, is special and touching. Michael Fassbender and Charles McAvoy play the younger Xavier and Magneto to a tee. They are a special pair and I cannot wait to see them together on screen again in Apocalypse. When Wolverine awakes from the past into the present and finds Beast (Kelsey Grammar), Rogue, Cyclops, Jean and the rest of original cast alive and well was amazing. This movie fixed most, if not all of the contiunity issues. Even if the end result is Mystique impersonating Striker. I DO WANT YOUR FUTURE!!! 3.5/5***

#3- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Before the internet explodes that I put this higher than X-Men: DOFP, let me explain that this pure nostalgia. This was not the best movie of the year by any stretch. The TMNT hold a very special place in my heart. I forced my parents to get me all for action figures and VHS when I was little. They are my personal favorite long before I ever started reading any Marvel or DC comics. WIth that said, I was nervous about a Michael Bay TMNT. I have to say with Michael Bay reduced to producers role the movie did not fail me. After the intial shock of these roided out turtles, they were not as bad looking as I thought they were. Their body types actually suited their respective turtle. I could have done without all the extra swag all the guys were wearing. Especially Raphael's Sunglasses that never moved on his head. I didn't mind Donatello wearing actual glasses for vison, but the goggles and gadget pack were completely unnecessary. The actors chosen for the turtles especially Alan Ritchson(Raphael) and Noel Fisher(Michelangelo) were perfect. Donatello's voice was abit whinny and high pitched and Johnny Knoxville voicing Leonardo didn't fit well. I hope because of the success of this film the studio will focus on the turtles a little more and recast Leonardo. The turtles, themselves in CGI looked great. Each turtle was their own shade of green. I wish the relationship between Mikey and Donnie would have been developed more, but they nailed Leo and Raph. Their love/hate relationship played out perfectly on screen. Did I mention Shredder looked badass. I do believe William Fitchner was supposed to be a new origin of the shredder, but with fan out rage, a form of Oroku Saki appeared in the film along side William Fichtners' Eric Sacks(coincidence?). In the sequel(which was already announced for 2016), I want to see more time spent in the sewer. I want to see where they sleep. I want to see the pizza box couch that I saw pictures of during filming and last, I need Casey Jones. My wife (whom has never watched or seen the TMNT) said to me as we ate dinner after seeing the movie " I still don't know who they are, The blue one is the leader, the rule follower, and bit boring if you ask me. The red one is angry and wants to be the leader but is to much of a hot head. The purple one is smart and the orange one...(she paused)...likes pizza, I guess". I responded " Actually, Love, that's all you need to know, you answered your own question." The director, Johnathan Liebesman nailed their personalities that combined with the comedy, the action, the heart, and The Shredder made this a most see summer popcorn flick. COWABANGA!! 3.5/5 ***

#2 Guardians of the Galaxy
     Marvel gets the clean sweep of the top two spots. Guardians was bold and fresh. Chris Pratt was an amazing choice for the lead role as Star Lord. He and Zoe Saldana(Gamora) had great chemistry on screen. The entire team was electric in my eyes. Dave Bautista(Drax) stole the show. His deadpan delivery and brouting demeanor was great. He was a laugh factory. His inability to understand sarcasm or metaphors was histraical. Rocket and Groot were perfect CGI Characters. They were perfectly will done and did not stick out at all. Rocket, Bradley Cooper, truly is an Ahole. He was so funny and had some of th best lines and scenes in the entire movie. The cosmic side of the Marvel Universe is bright and colorful. We got our first full on screen look at Thanos, voiced and performance captured by Josh Brolin. He looked furious and menacing. Guardians gave us a firm confirmation that the infinity gaunlet storyline is indeed on the way. WIth Joss Whedon holding down MCU Earth, James Gunn is fully capable of holding his own on the Cosmic end. I can not wait to see which character he adds to the roster in the sequel. I am hoping for Nova or Adam Warlock. Adam seems inevitable, due to his connection to the soul gem, so adding him seems logically. Everywhere you look, everyone is talking about the soundtrack. It truly did add to the movie. I can't stop singing "hooked on a feeling". Don't fix what isn't broken, the tone and the pace were perfect. I wish, as most fans do in their Marvel movies, is a little more development from the Villian. Ronan protrayed by Lee Pace actually was pretty menacing. His intention seemed a little unclear other than he worked for Thanos, who had promised to help him if he retrieved the POWER infinity stone. Nebula was pretty cool looking and her fight with Gamora was pretty awesome. I want to go on record of the say that Benicio Del Toros' Collector is going to the be the cosmic Nick Fury showing up to connect the dots on the cosmis end. Michael Rooker was a surprise as Yondu. He and his Weapon were quite awesome. This was the one of Marvel best outings, but they had one better this year!!!
I AM GROOT!!! 5/5 *****

#1- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
     This was my favorite CBM of the year. The action was amazing. It was the first Marvel movie that really focused on the hand to hand combat fight coordination. Chris Evans and Sebastion Stan were absoutlely amazing in their respective roles as Steve Rodgers/Captain America and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier. Their fight scenes were out of this world. The plot was engaging and fast paced. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Hyrda is a formitable force for cap to go up against. Winter Soldier and Hyrda are just a handful of well developed foes for our heroes. I love how Nick Fury finally as some action scenes to participate in. His car chase scene was epic, the machine gun popping out from the center console was crazy. Steve, the moral king and natashia, the Black WIdow had great chemistry on screen. His inability to get his hands dirty played perfectly into her hands. This a perfect film for her character to show up. The movie was about the destruction of SHIELD and Hawkeye is nowhere to be found.  This truly is my only issue with this masterpiece. Anthony Mackie was a great new addition to the Marvel Roster as The Falcon. His wings were cool and it was nice to have some to banter with Cap. He really filled the role of Tony from the Avengers very nicely. A Cap movie is not complete without someone to pick on him. I loved his new uniform and seems it had some influence on his new uniform for the Avengers Age of Ultron. The post credits scenes was one of the best and most unexpected. I know I didn't know we were going to get our first look at Quicksilver and Scarlet WItch. We also got the chance to see that the remaining Hydra Cell Run by Baron Van Strucker has Lokis' Sceptor from the Avengers.  I cant say enough about how awsome this movie was. It truly was almost like an Avenger 1.5 with Cap, Nick, Widow, Falcon, and Maria HIl taking on Hydra. I can not wait to see where the threequel takes us. They spent alot of time developing the characters of Crossbones and the Winter Soldier, so we should be seeing them in threequel. The countdown is on until the next installment in the Captian America SAGA.I know it is in good hands with the Russo Brothers. Can't say it enough amazing, awsome, epic and intense. 5/5 *****


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MrBlackJack - 8/11/2014, 9:11 PM
I thought this was ranking the members of CBM, we need more stuff like that. I'd rank near the top obviously, but other users need a boost of confidence.
MrBlackJack - 8/11/2014, 9:12 PM
Anyway, I'd make my own list but I can't decide if GOTG or TWS is better.
kong - 8/11/2014, 9:27 PM
This list legit sucks....TF4 over Robocop AND Godzilla.....hell to the no....
FordEl - 8/11/2014, 10:09 PM
Days of Future Past>Cap2>Godzilla>TASM2=Guardians of the Galaxy( I enjoyed both but they had just as many negatives as positives)
FordEl - 8/11/2014, 10:09 PM

Wolf38 - 8/11/2014, 11:20 PM
Dawn of PotA, DOFP, Winter Soldier, Edge of Tomorrow, GOTG/Godzilla, Robocop if we're including all of those. But they were all pretty good at least, except Robocop, which was decent if unspectacular.

Have not seen TASM2, Transformers 4, TMNT.
kinghulk - 8/12/2014, 2:52 AM
TWS, dawn, guardians= DOFP, godzilla, robocop, amazing spiderman 2
havent seen transormers 4 or TMNT.
stackhouse101 - 8/12/2014, 5:55 AM
Great article! I'm not going to lie, I haven't seen all these movies, but based on the films and what I read online your list is spot on. It's hard to say which marvel movie is better, guardians or cap: 2. The reason is, they're two totally different types of movies and they're perfect in that very same way. If I would have to rank them I think cap: 2 barley edges guardians.
-Hail Hydra
GinjaNinja - 8/12/2014, 6:35 AM
Marvel gets the easy clean sweep. DOFP gets third. Godzilla at 4. After that I guess spiderman comes next? Its kinda a jumble of not very good films after that.
blackandyellow - 8/12/2014, 7:01 AM
Notre Dame sucks balls.
EhMaybeSays - 8/12/2014, 7:36 AM
Why do this before Sin City's released?
yossarian - 8/12/2014, 8:44 AM
Notre Dame rules! I corrected your mistake B&Y. It's cool. I understand that you think today is opposite day, when in fact, it is just regular day.
IronMatt71 - 8/12/2014, 2:28 PM
@TheDudeRusty I oompletely forgot about Sin City at the end of the month. Thank you for reminding me I will edit that in after I see it.
RobGrizzly - 8/12/2014, 4:40 PM
Forgot 300: Rise of an Empire, Snowpiercer, Hercules, and Sin City 2 is still on the way. Also, Robocop and Godzilla are not a CBMs.

I'm with you on Captain America, and I appreciate the love for Ninja Turtles!
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