Freddy’s in the house to give out a verbal hex
To this hairy little bitch sporting yellow spandex
Welcome to Elm Street, I hope you enjoy your stay
I’ll haunt you forever, and I’ll never go away
You think you’re so hot, with your bones covered in metal
You’re the biggest mistake ever made by the people at Marvel
I’ll kill you in this battle faster than you killed Jean Gray
My outfit makes me scary, and yours makes you look gay
Listen here, bub, it’s time for you to die
I don’t take shit from anyone who’s burned up worse than a French fry
What’s with the sweater? Christmas ended a while ago
You think you’re tougher than me? To that I say “Hell no!”
I ain’t no mistake, dude, the public loves me
Just look at the popularity of all my comics and movies
You think you’re frightening? You’re the one who should be scared
Cause I’m the one you see in all of your own nightmares
She ain’t no guy, but even Nancy’s manlier than you
Go see a barber, and stop using so much shampoo
My glove will cut through your metal skull in an instant
After I’m done with you, I’ll finish off the rest of you mutants
See a barber? Ha! At least I have hair
That hat of yours doesn’t help that you’re bald under there
On the pedophile scale, you always rank a ten
You’re a burned up douche, and I’m a staple of the X-Men
Who won? You decide!