You find yourself asking, "Where are the pictures of the hot ladies?" I find myself noticing that women are appearing as sex symbols in the comic book movies. I can only speculate if this is true. It differentiates to one's own opinion. Are they there to help sell them? They are in some of the films I've seen. Some tight clothes wearing or scantily clad. The end result is the same. I can't B.S. the fans with a B.S. article. But look at it this way. That is a big topic that we come back to. What hottie actress is going to be in this one movie or that other movie? Hmmm, to hire an actress to be just that, if she knows what she is being cast for, who would it hurt? The idea ends up lacking identity when one might think about it. Where do you draw the line in the sand? What do we really want? I leave all the ideas, suggestions, and comments to all of you.