Before we get started allow me to introduce myself. Most of you don’t know me, but I’m Herofreak15 and I’ve been a member here since either 2010 or 2011 (I stumbled onto CBM a couple of times before I finally decided to register and become a member). I’m not sure which year, but it was when Marvel was casting for Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. I went on to make a bunch of comments (idiotic ones at that; grammar has gotten better that’s for sure) and even used to talk to some of you guys through the chat room. For some reason I started posting less and less comments as the days went by until I just suddenly up and stopped posting comments altogether. I still visit the site daily, of course, but I’m mostly a lurker nowadays even though I have made a few contributions from time to time.
With all that out of the way, let’s move on to why I’ve written this article in the first place: downright pessimistic opinions. It’s true that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that we should respect them so,
HOWEVER the thing is… I’ve been noticing the continuous evolution of rabid opinion making in the comments section on here and my question to you is: why has this community become so negative and critical? I get that we have every right to bitch and moan as we please and set our expectations for comic book movies to a new high, but please stop saying that things look like complete and utter shit. Yes, some things may look like a turd at times, but STOP. "Why should we stop if that’s our stance on this particular movie, Hero?" I’ll tell you why.
The reason being that you’re judging a movie that hasn’t even been out yet based on trailers and a couple of [frick]ing production stills, that’s why. Stop focusing on all the ways a movie can go wrong and start focusing on the fact that if they do fail, we’ll probably end up getting another one that’s hopefully a better improvement in the next few years or so. Comments in the comments section here are flooded by so much pessimism more and more every day. Yeah, some CBMs were shit, doesn’t mean the rest we’re getting will be. Oh, and by rabid opinion making, I mean that some of you have started attacking others for simply disagreeing with your opinions. Jeez, you guys, it’s just a disagreement not a [frick]ing lighstaber duel. And make sure you know the difference between OPINION and FACT.
FACT: Drink too much alcohol and you get drunk.
OPINION: Alcohol is bad for society.
Other users’ views on comic book movies and its fan community have become tainted because you’re becoming hostile toward people who may not be the hardcore type of comic fans you guys are. I admit that I’m not the hardcore type (I HAVE picked up comics in my life) and am more of the movie type. I’m sorry, but sometimes I don’t have the time to read comics (what with life and all) and I don’t exactly have the kind of money to buy them. “Why is it so terrible if a pretty girl who'd never heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy until a few months ago suddenly walks into your comic shop and wants to read about them?” Some people will like The Amazing Spiderman 2, others will hate it. Some people will think Captain America 2: TWS is shit, others will like it.
Stop criticizing something you haven’t seen yet, stop attacking others for disagreeing with you, stop saying your opinions are facts, stop being hostile toward newcomers. Reserve your damn judgment and be positive. All this negativity is spreading and it’ll spread until eventually everyone thinks everything will be crap. 15 years ago, we were barely getting any of this glorious awesomeness, but now look around. CBMs have dominated our screens and will continue to do so even after you and I die. Today that we’ve gotten what we’ve so desperately been craving for many years prior, you choose now to bitch about every little thing. Some of you are never [frick]ing happy that we’re finally getting things we otherwise wouldn’t have been getting if it weren’t for X-men and Spiderman. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, and no matter how many times you say “I’m not going to see this piece of shit,” we all know your ass will be seated in the movie house on opening night because that’s the exact same position you found yourself in when the first X-men movie came out.
Don’t be a critic. Be an optimist. Nuff’ said.
Also, some you need to seriously stop editorializing your news articles.
(Yes, I do realize the irony of this post).