THE MATRIX 4 Set Video Reveals A Very Different Look For Keanu Reeves' Neo

THE MATRIX 4 Set Video Reveals A Very Different Look For Keanu Reeves' Neo

Shooting has now begun on the highly anticipated fourth instalment of The Matrix franchise, and a new set video reveals Keanu Reeves looking a far cry from the clean cut Neo of the original trilogy...

By JoshWilding - Feb 06, 2020 12:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Matrix
There's a lot of excitement surrounding what Lana Wachowski has planned for The Matrix 4, and a new set video shows Keanu Reeves back as Neo - albeit with a very different look! 

His trademark trench coat, sunglasses, and clean cut look are gone and have now been replaced with a beard and long hair as well as regular street clothes. What this means is hard to say as plot details are being kept a closely guarded secret, but it definitely seems like Neo has been through some changes.

At the end of The Matrix Revolutions, Neo sacrificed himself to purge the Matrix of Agent Smith and created a new world in the process. Perhaps this is his new "avatar" in the real world?

Shooting is currently taking place in San Francisco and the production will then move to Chicago and Germany so more set photos/videos seem highly likely. The Matrix 4 is set to be released on May 21st, 2021, so a first look arriving this year is definitely something to look forward to.

Check out the video below:

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THE MATRIX Movie In The Works From Drew Goddard - Is He Out Of The Running To Direct SPIDER-MAN 4?

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DeadWade213 - 2/6/2020, 12:25 PM
Neo coming back to a modern more advanced world could be interesting.
SonOfAGif - 2/6/2020, 12:35 PM
@DeadWade213 - I think Neo will be the new "Architect" or "Oracle".
MrCamw1 - 2/6/2020, 12:27 PM
Me seeing the red an yellow haired person pass by Keanu:
"Yeap that's one of the Watchowski sister"
Biggums - 2/6/2020, 1:43 PM
@MrCamw1 - said the exact freaking thing.
Not sure if that boads well though.
Tasmaniac - 2/6/2020, 12:30 PM
MosquitoFarmer - 2/6/2020, 12:34 PM
So, The One is coming back and is actually looking more like Jesus this time is what you're telling me...
IronGenesis - 2/6/2020, 12:36 PM
With all that speculation that Neo would just be a Matrix character...seeing Reeves with the beard and kind of crappy gives me some hope he will be a real character. Brought back...who knows...

But if they WB and the matrix team learn anything form Luke and’s what NOT to do.
bcom - 2/6/2020, 12:46 PM
From what I could gather from the sometimes confusing lore of The Matrix, there's always a "one" or anomaly that is supposed to bring balance and eventually reset the Matrix to start the process over again due to some humans realizing they're in an induced sleep state.

Perhaps there's a glitch in this reset and Neo is brought back instead of being deleted and starts to remember his previous incarnation? I'm purely spit-balling here but I'm really keen on this movie happening.
Timerider84 - 2/6/2020, 1:10 PM
@bcom - I think you figured it out.
Origame - 2/6/2020, 1:33 PM
@bcom - you're right except the cycle was already broken in reloaded when neo refused to reset the matrix. Who knows whats going on here.
bcom - 2/6/2020, 3:21 PM
@Origame - But, as with his talk with the Architect, The Architect says that what Neo thought as freewill by making a choice was actually already predetermined. He says that previous "ones" adapted quicker than others but inevitably they always fulfill their purpose as Neo did in the third movie. The purpose of the one is to gain trust of the rebelling humans and lull them into thinking that they won the war over the machines when in fact all they're doing is accepting the reality of a reset Matrix. Having said that, it doesn't explain how it handles the humans that have unplugged from the Matrix.

Anyway, my over-geeked out brain is purely speculating here. I love this series so I don't really care if it doesn't make much sense LOL!
Origame - 2/6/2020, 6:41 PM
@bcom - but what about the talk between the architect and oracle at the end of the movie? This clearly went against the plan he set up.
bcom - 2/6/2020, 7:22 PM
@Origame - Yeah true, that's where it all gets a bit confusing. Neo played his part and the humans that wanted out got out, but the Matrix still got reset. The architect said there will be an uneasy peace so that's why I'm curious as to what happens to the humans that do unplug because there would've been humans that unplugged in the past resets previous to Neo as well. Is is inevitable that they play their part in finding the one so the machines actually rely on them in a way?
Repian - 2/6/2020, 12:51 PM
Neo is the same as Odin. He does not remember.

GhostDog - 2/6/2020, 1:03 PM
There has to be some sort of GLITCH in the system than caused an issue in the REBOOT Neo brought about
RubyRhod - 2/6/2020, 1:12 PM
MyCoolYoung - 2/6/2020, 1:15 PM
Keanu said " yes I'll come back... But I ain't cutting the do *combs hair back*"
MyCoolYoung - 2/6/2020, 1:17 PM
Yall really are masters at figuring out movie plots with limited information.
rexlincoln - 2/6/2020, 1:18 PM
I reckon it's just a newer version of the Matrix, everyone's reset (I think that's how the last one ended?). We'll be lead to believe Neo is the reincarnation of the One for most the film and then we realise it's someone else this time and he's just Neo.

Most the film will be call backs to the first film about Neo feeling like he doesn't belong here etc.
GhostDog - 2/6/2020, 1:23 PM
Wake up....we have a Matrix to reboot
Jimster - 2/6/2020, 10:08 PM
@BlackBeltJones - The wait for this game is driving me crazy!
dragon316 - 2/6/2020, 1:29 PM
As long neo is dead in this version and alive in matrix world is fine with me don’t make it matrix into marvel movie somehow neo is alive after his death
johnnymarr - 2/6/2020, 1:51 PM
It's "Hobo Neo" or "Lebowski Neo".
emeraldtaurus - 2/6/2020, 1:53 PM
Matrix 4 ???? Looks more like John Wick 4 . ...which I'm far more excited for !
Archgoat - 2/6/2020, 1:53 PM
Neo dresses like Keanu Reeves.
bcom - 2/6/2020, 3:26 PM
@Archgoat - LOL! I was thinking the same thing. It's like Keanu said to the costume department "don't worry about coming up with Neo's civilian gear, I'll just bring my own".
relentless1 - 2/6/2020, 2:04 PM
they already [frick]ed it all up, Neo should be the new villain, it creates an interesting new dynamic in the story and is explained perfectly because of his melding with the machines and being absorbed into the machine city or whatever the [frick] happened at the end of Revolutions lol... But yeah... Neo should be the villain now and this doesn't look like Neo is a villain...
AnungUnRama - 2/6/2020, 2:30 PM
Has the movie a title yet? Is it in fact called Matrix 4?

I would like if they kept the "Re..." systematic for the sequel's titles - Reloaded, Revolutions.

So maybe this one could be called "Matrix Rebooted" or "Matrix Reentered" or something like that.
Feralwookiee - 2/6/2020, 2:34 PM
@AnungUnRama - "The Matrix Recycled"? 😜
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