Leaked STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS BTS Photo Reveals Plans For A Young Luke Skywalker Flashback

Leaked STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS BTS Photo Reveals Plans For A Young Luke Skywalker Flashback Leaked STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS BTS Photo Reveals Plans For A Young Luke Skywalker Flashback

Way back in 2015, it was reported that Robert Boulter had been cast as a young Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and a newly surfaced behind the scenes photo confirms that was the case...

By JoshWilding - Nov 26, 2018 11:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
In early 2015, we heard that English actor Robert Boulter had been cast to play a young Luke Skywalker in J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Immediately, speculation started running rampant that we might get some insight into what the Jedi Master was up to after the events of Return of the Jedi but the only version of Luke we got to see was right at the end of the movie. 

Now, a 
behind the scenes photo has surfaced which confirms that Boulter did camera tests for what would have clearly been a flashback to the events on The Empire Strikes Back.

We don't know if anything was shot or if Lucasfilm and Abrams decided it wasn't going to work before they even got that far, but this would have presumably been used in one of two places. Either we were going to see the moment Luke's hand was cut off and then followed the journey of his lightsaber to Maz Kanata or Boulter was set to be a stand-in of sorts for Hamill during Rey's vision.

We may never know for sure, but this photo is certainly... interesting! What do you guys think? As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and be sure to stay tuned for updates on Episode IX as we're bound to start hearing about that fairly soon.

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Kumkani - 11/26/2018, 11:32 AM
Why didn't they get Sebastian Stan instead?
smgmayhem - 11/26/2018, 11:36 AM
@DnA - They probably did, but we would never know unless the question was asked.
Origame - 11/26/2018, 11:40 AM
@DnA - this guy was probably meant to be a stand in so they could cgi his face to look like a young mark hamill.
CaptainElrond - 11/26/2018, 11:38 AM
L0RDbuckethead - 11/26/2018, 11:39 AM
I remember when this rumor/leak first came out.

I could see it, they look similar:

ODanil - 11/26/2018, 11:39 AM
Glad they didn't do it;
LEVITIKUZ - 11/26/2018, 11:39 AM
I mean Rey was walking around the hallway from the fight in Empire where Luke & Vader fought so it isn’t that much of a stretch to believe at one time Luke made a cameo with Rey possibly seeing the fight occur
LEVITIKUZ - 11/26/2018, 11:41 AM
He probably was just going to be a stand in & used for long shots. I can’t see them doing any close up shots of Luke especially with him not looking like Mark

Maybe they would do what they did for Leia in Rogue One but that’s all
Trimount - 11/26/2018, 6:15 PM
@LEVITIKUZ - I think they were supposed to be shooting the scene were Vader cut off Luke’s hand (from above) with Rey watching.
CaptainElrond - 11/26/2018, 11:40 AM
Sebastian stan makes me hope for a luke spin off film.

theFUZZ008 - 11/26/2018, 11:43 AM
theFUZZ008 - 11/26/2018, 6:21 PM
@theFUZZ008 - J.J. was hoping to rip off Empire a little bit more.
FleischerSupes - 11/26/2018, 11:47 AM
I'm in favor of anything that gives a more traditional take on Luke. But I'm one of those who also preferred Jedi robes not be a thing (Obi Wan's clothes in ANH, simply being desert gear and all). I'm regressive that way.

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