STAR WARS EPISODE IX: J.J. Abrams Marks End Of Filming With A First Look At Rey, Finn, And Poe Dameron

STAR WARS EPISODE IX: J.J. Abrams Marks End Of Filming With A First Look At Rey, Finn, And Poe Dameron STAR WARS EPISODE IX: J.J. Abrams Marks End Of Filming With A First Look At Rey, Finn, And Poe Dameron

Star Wars Episode IX director J.J. Abrams has confirmed that it's a wrap on the conclusion to the Skywalker Saga, and he's marked that with a behind-the- scenes shot of the movie's three lead characters...

By JoshWilding - Feb 15, 2019 12:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Star Wars Episode IX has now finished filming and director J.J. Abrams has made it official with the first behind-the-scenes image. As you can see, it offers up a look at the trilogy's three leads: Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega), and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). 

While this isn't our clearest shot of the trio, it's bound to get fans talking and trying to figure out what this reveals about the still-untitled movie; for example, are they back on Jakku here or is just some other desert planet? Regardless of what the answer may be, the image confirms that that leaked character artwork was legit. 


Seeing as Abrams hasn't chosen to reveal the movie's title with this image, chances are we can expect that to come our way during Star Wars Celebration in April along with the first teaser trailer, or possibly just a behind the scenes sizzle reel. 

What do you guys think of this image? As always, share your thoughts in the comments section!

To check out all the reveals from that leaked set of
character images, hit the "View List" button below.

Richard E. Grant's Role Finally Revealed

Richard E. Grant has previously said that his role in Star Wars Episode IX is highly secretive and that's understandably led to a lot of speculation about who he might be playing.

Alas, all those theories about him being a new Sith or even an older version of a prequel/original trilogy era character couldn't have been any further from the truth as we now know that he'll actually be taking on the role of a First Order officer. Why Lucasfilm would feel the need to keep that such a huge secret is obviously hard to say. 

After he was mostly wasted in Logan, though, it will be a lot of fun seeing Grant get to play a villain.


Dominic Monaghan Joins The Resistance

The Lord of the Rings actor worked with J.J. Abrams on Lost so it makes sense that the filmmaker has chosen to cast Dominic Monaghan in what will presumably be his final Star Wars movie. 

The importance of his role in proceedings remains to be seen but we do at least know that he'll play a Resistance officer. The uniform he's wearing is pretty standard so it could be that we'll see him in the trenches alongside characters like Poe Dameron, Finn, and Rose Tico rather than in a command position. 


Rey Embraces The Light

At the end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rey's powers were taken to another level and seeing as at least some time is bound to have passed since then, chances are she's even more powerful than ever before (especially if she's been training herself up with those Jedi texts she managed to recover from Ahch-To). 

Based on the white robes she's now wearing, Rey has finally found a permanent "costume" of sorts to reflect the fact that she's a Jedi.

It doesn't appear as if she has a lightsaber at this point in proceedings - Luke's was destroyed, remember - so it's going to be interesting finding out how J.J. Abrams handles both that and what sort of Jedi she's going to be - after all, it's definitely noteworthy that she's wearing white rather than the black Luke ended up donning in Return of the Jedi


Kylo Ren Keeps It Simple 

Kylo Ren became the new Supreme Leader the last time we saw him but he hasn't really changed up his appearance all that much in the meantime. His hood and cloack have made a return (which make him look particularly Sith-like) as has the mask, but we'll get to that a little later.

Now that Snoke is dead and buried, you have to wonder whether or not J.J. Abrams will provide some answers about who or what he was and how he became involved with The First Order. 

Either way, Ren still appears to be wielding his unique lightsaber and he presumably still hasn't found a way to stabilise that blade. One thing which still hasn't been revealed is what his face looks like beneath that mask but I doubt too many changes have been made since we last saw him.


The Mask Returns

There have been rumours for a while now that Kylo Ren's mask would return in Episode IX and this leak confirms that those were legit. After destroying the headpiece following a scolding from Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo has repaired it and it now appears to be glowing red across the cracks.

We know it means a lot to the villain because it's based on the helmet his grandfather wore, so now that his "master" is no longer a factor, it's no wonder he's decided to undo his temper tantrum!

J.J. Abrams was the one who came up with Kylo's mask so it actually makes sense that he's decided to undo Rian Johnson's decision to get rid of it. Giving 
it such a menacing appearance is also a smart move and one which should really help him to stand out during the course of this adventure. 

Poe Dameron Looks Battle Ready

While Poe Dameron is basically the leader of the Resistance now, it doesn't appear as if he'll be backing down from seeing action on the battlefield. Chances are that this is just one of many costumes he'll wear throughout the course of this story but it does confirm that he'll do more than hang around a battleship, and fans will surely appreciate that because Poe deserves to take on a key role in the finale. 

A Nod To Solo: A Star Wars Story

It's worth noting that the appearances of these characters could change, especially as the leaked image features a combination of reference photos and apparent costume tests. 

However, something that got everyone talking is the fact Billy Dee Williams' Lando Calrissian is decked out in an outfit which is quite clearly paying homage to what Donald Glover was wearing in Solo: A Star Wars Story. No matter how that spinoff was received, it makes sense for Lucasfilm to create some connective tissue between the two and this is a smart way to do that. 

It may also be an indication that we'll find Lando back in the gambling dens he frequented as a youngster now that the fight to save the Galaxy has seemingly become something of a lost cause thanks to the sheer amount of power wielded by The First Order. 


A New Foil For BB-8

Before The Last Jedi was released, that black BB unit belonging to The First Order was very much promoted as something BB-8 would be squaring off with throughout the course of the movie. Well, that didn't happen and their sole interaction was definitely a bit of a letdown. 

However, one of the droids featured in this leak is described as a Resistance droid that will be "annoying" BB-8 throughout the course of this adventure so it will presumably be comic relief. 


Plenty Of Practical Effects 

Rian Johnson didn't shy away from utilising practical creature designs in his movie but we all know that it was J.J. Abrams who started that, so it's no great surprise that he's come up with a lot of cool new aliens for Episode IX

Some of these aliens are familiar, while others appear to be totally new creations but they're all bound to play either very small or notable roles in this movie. 

Common sense says that most will be background characters but it's every bit as likely that some of the actors who have been added to the cast could end up voicing them or even suiting up in heavy prosthetics. We'll see, I guess!


Some Notable Omissions

Unfortunately, a lot of familiar faces are absent in this leaked material, including Luke Skywalker (who will presumably return as a Force Ghost), Finn, and General Hux. I don't think we should read too much into that but if you're wondering why General Leia is nowhere to be seen, that's because Carrie Fisher sadly passed away before costume tests like these could even be considered. 

She will, however, be making an appearance courtesy of unused footage from The Force Awakens

What do you guys think about this first round of leaks from Star Wars Episode IX? As always, be sure to let us know your thoughts on that in the comments section down below. 
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SpideyPuffsMJ - 2/15/2019, 12:14 PM
Farewell random characters I don’t care about.
Fogs - 2/15/2019, 12:19 PM
@SpideyPuffsMJ - I liked those 3 in TFA.
Tony93 - 2/15/2019, 12:31 PM
@Fogs - Liked em in TFA too
SpideyPuffsMJ - 2/15/2019, 12:35 PM
@Fogs - Yeah it was a decent introduction. This last one kind of let the audience actually get to know them and the three of them turned out to be pretty uninteresting and at times unlikable. They don't have many redeeming qualities in TLJ, Abrams is going to have to redeem the protagonists of a Star Wars trilogy with the last movie.
Fogs - 2/17/2019, 4:32 AM
@SpideyPuffsMJ - yes.

In TFA there was a promise about everything. Was 33% of a bigger story. So much would be shown, their origins and arcs.

Now we are at 66% and don't know shit about Rey, she's probably an all-powerful nobody and that's it.

Poe was such a promise, some kind of an amalgamation of Leia and Solo, with possible leadership skills with field stories incoming. He's now a bragging boy who does NOTHING in face of a crisis.

Finn could be someone who gives us insights at the origin and inner workings of the New Order, and a nice example of both worlds colliding and exposing their differences. Now he's... I'm not even sure. Btw I don't care of he being a funny character, given R2-D2 and 3PO aren't there anymore.

Not to mention Snoke and Kylo (who is the best character/promise of a character IMO).

Thing is we now have only 1 film. Look at the waste of time the 2nd act was.

Now even if IX is good... It will be rushed as shit.
knocturnalzen10 - 2/15/2019, 12:17 PM
he really wasn't wasted in Logan tho but i guess..........
TheUnworthyThor - 2/15/2019, 12:21 PM
GhostDog - 2/15/2019, 12:22 PM
knocturnalzen10 - 2/15/2019, 12:24 PM
@BlackBeltJones - do you have high expectations for this one good friend?
GhostDog - 2/15/2019, 12:27 PM
@knocturnalzen10 - TFA was fine. It was a well crafted movie, a good time at the theater. JJ can be a great director.

That being said, I just don't want it to be a remake like TFA basically was.

Also, its weird. I dont really CARE for these characters. Idk what it is, but I'm not too deeply invested in where they go. Idk how to explain it. The story thus far just hasn't made me really care. Especially Finn, who imo has been handled very poorly. Rey is fine and Daisy's performances really make the character pop. Isaac is Isaac. I feel like Poe should def be doing more but Isaac elevates it all.
WakandanQueen - 2/15/2019, 12:23 PM
You know why Rose sucks? She killed our FinnPoe dreams.
Well, China did, but since TLJ flopped in China either way, she takes the blame.
WakandanQueen - 2/15/2019, 12:28 PM
@Abaddon - What?
MarvelDCAllDay - 2/15/2019, 12:31 PM
@WakandanQueen - Finn and Rose aren’t a thing but Rose wishes they were
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