Last night, we finally got a new trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and the internet has been abuzz with debate and speculation ever since.
Director Rian Johnson did warn fans that if they wanted to go in knowing as little as possible about the film that they might want to skip this, and with good reason. Though things are really only hinted at as opposed to spoiled outright, we definitely get a much better idea of the plot, and there are a couple of shots in particular that have come in for some backlash because of how much they appear to give away.
Below, you'll find the 8 biggest talking points from the trailer. Have a read through and let us know what you think, and be sure to let us know if we missed anything you think is important.
8. Is Snoke Talking To Kylo... Or Rey?
The trailer opens with a shot of Kylo Ren gazing out a window and some ominous voice-over from Supreme Leader Snoke, who appears to be addressing his pupil. However, the prevailing theory seems to be that the enigmatic villain is actually speaking to Rey.
This does gel with a massive reveal at the end of the trailer (more on that later), and it makes sense that Snoke would want to harness the untapped potential of the former Jakku scavenger. Could we be looking at a similar scenario to Emperor Palpatine's plan to replace Darth Vader with Luke as his new apprentice, perhaps?
7. Luke Is Frightened Of Rey's Potential
It seems clear that Luke will agree to train Rey, as the trailer shows him accepting the lighsaber and showing her a few new moves. However, it's now also clear why he's so reluctant to take her under his wing.
“I’ve seen this raw strength only once before,” Skywalker reveals, adding that this mighty power didn't frighten him enough the first time, but does now. This is inter-cut with a shot of Luke climbing from some wreckage, all-but confirming that he's referring to his former pupil, Ben Solo, A.K.A. Kylo Ren.
6. Kylo Considers Killing General Leia
At least, that's what the trailer wants us to believe. There's a very good chance this is a fake-out, but it certainly looks as if Kylo Ren is planning on making it a twofer and taking out his own mother after putting an end of Han Solo in The Force Awakens.
“Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to,” says Kylo in voiceover, presumably to Rey. Will the dark warrior be able to take his own advice and muster the evil will to kill his mother? It's highly unlikely that this is how Leia will go out after we were promised a fitting farewell for the iconic character in the aftermath of Carrie Fisher's untimely passing, but you never know!
5. Finn Vs. Phasma
When Finn goes undercover as a First Order officer, it looks like he's going to run into someone who is only too aware of his true identity: his old boss, Captain Phasma.
The trailer gives us a terrific shot of an enraged Finn charging into battle against the still helmeted Stormtrooper, who he was planning to unceremoniously dump down a garbage shoot the last time they met. Whether Finn and Solo actually followed through with that threat or not, Phasma is very much alive, and very much seeking vengeance.
4. Who Is This Icy Little Fellow?
The trailer also introduces us to a new alien animal species, most likely native to the planet Crait. This ice bears a slight resemblance to the white wolves glimpsed in the recent Star Wars Rebels season 4 trailers, but there's very little chance they're one in the same.
Will these cool (no pun) little critters play a significant role in the plot, or will they be used primarily in the background? We'll have to wait and see.
3. No, Chewie Doesn't Eat The Porgs
Recent rumors suggested that the cute little Ahch-To-dwelling Porgs might actually be a food source on the island, and while that might still be the case, it certainly looks as if Chewie won't be chowing down.
The trailer features a shot of the iconic Wookiee unleashing a signature roar, which is followed by a Porg letting out a little screech of his own.
These little guys are already a divisive element of The Last Jedi and the movie hasn't even come out yet. Some see them solely as yet another excuse for mass merchandise movement, but remeber, a lot of people said the same thing about BB-8 and he proved to be one of the most popular new characters in The Force Awakens.
2. Snoke Tortures Rey
Confirming an old rumor that Rey and Snoke would come face to face in The Last Jedi, we get a shot of the powerful Supreme Leader using his force abilities on our young hero, who looks to be in considerable pain.
If Snoke is indeed attempting to turn Rey to the dark side, there's a good chance this is simply an attempt to break her spirit and leave her more open to manipulation. Then again, at this point she may already have turned him down, and much like Palpatine's decision to kill Luke in Return of the Jedi, Snoke could be trying to end Rey for good here.
1. Rey Turns To The Dark Side(?)
Like the Kylo/Leia stuff from earlier, there's a very good chance this is not exactly what it seems - however, there's no doubt that the trailer wants us to believe that Rey is at least toying with the idea of joining the dark side.
“I need someone to show me my place in all of this,” says a despondent Rey in the much-discussed final moment of the teaser, which is followed by a shot of her mortal enemy, Kylo Ren, extending his hand.
Is this all that it seems, or are these two separate shots cut together from completely different scenes? My guess is the latter, but one thing's for certain, it's going to be a lot of fun finding out for sure.