Hello you beautiful people! I am henshin-rider and today this is the first in a series of reviews called 'Quicke Reviews' - in this series we will have a brief look at a film (past or present) and I will give you a quick, spoiler free, impression review. In these reviews I will give you, the audience, a quick impression of a film where I will either recommend or not recommend a film.Keep in mind these are not in-depth reviews, but rather quick ones - hence the name. So now, let's look at the first film, Jurassic World.
Jurassic world has a lot going against it. Not only must it re-invigorate the franchise, but it also must contend with being compared to the original. Luckily, Jurassic World not only manages to re-invigorate the franchise- but it also has enough originality to step out of the shadows of its predecessor. What surprised me most is that this film was more about survival than about the new big bad dino (well atleast for a good chunk of act 2). Also it surprised me how meta the film got with some of the dialogue. This especially reflects its social commentary and themes. That is not to say that this film is perfect.
This film went a bit too hard at the start to try to re-create that Jurassic park magic and it failed. Luckily the film eventually gives up on this and just tries to be its own beast. And although I praise the script writing for the meta dialogue and social commentary-- I feel as if the characters are the weakest part of the film and all dimensionality given to them are through the actors, not the script. They all seemed kinda cookie cutter characters. I also feel as if the film is torn in two different directions at points. One where the director wants to make a film on the social commentary and parallels on the film industry -- and the other direction is where the studio wants to make a straight up action blockbuster. But this clash isn't enough to deter from the films enjoyment.
Overall this is a fun film with a small level of sophistication peppered throughout. But, while talking to a friend about the film I had a revelation. He said, "As the credits stated rolling and I was sitting there forming all these top notch, award winning criticisms in my head... a little girl walked past, saying to her mum, "That was the best movie in the world!!!" Which kinda puts all this in perspective don't you think? If you go in expecting a fun film you will not be disappointed. It has fighting dinosaurs! What else is cooler than that?
So it's a recommended, as long as you don't expect more than a fun film.
Well there we go ladies and gents - we survived my first Quickie Review! Let me know what you think of the format and if it worked for you. Or just let me know if it's simply too late to review this film. For that I say -- sorry! I actually wrote the Quickie awhile ago -- but I have been super busy to upload it. Anyway, let me know - agree, disagree - I want discussion, because we learn more from discussion than from keeping to ourselves. So remember to stay beautiful and click that wonderful red glove, share and whatnot - and if you enjoyed this maybe you'd enjoy my other articles, check em out... They have funny pictures... :D