Jeff Goldblum is an icon, and the excitement surrounding his return to the Jurassic Park franchise with Jurassic World: Dominion is palpable. In 2017, the legendary actor made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut playing The Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok, a role director Taika Waititi chose him for.
In an interview with CBR, Goldblum was asked for his thoughts on Waititi's work on The Mandalorian, and it was then he admitted to being part of a secret project with the filmmaker.
"I adore him, always did before I even worked with him, and maybe we'll do something again together," the actor said. "We've talked about doing something else that has to be secret right now but I would do anything with him, sure. And Disney+ are just a great bunch of people to be associated with. They are a wonderful family, how smart and sweet and kind they are."
It remains to be seen what this secret project could be, though it's no secret Waititi is directing both Thor: Love and Thunder and an untitled Star Wars film in the not too distant future.
It could be something else altogether (Waititi likes making smaller features between these blockbusters), but it's exciting to think about what Goldblum could bring to a Galaxy Far, Far Away.
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