BLACK WIDOW Star Scarlett Johansson Breaks Silence On Incredible, Awesome JURASSIC WORLD 4 Role

BLACK WIDOW Star Scarlett Johansson Breaks Silence On "Incredible," "Awesome" JURASSIC WORLD 4 Role

JURASSIC WORLD 4 Commences Production In Thailand; First Story Details Revealed
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JURASSIC WORLD 4 Commences Production In Thailand; First Story Details Revealed

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alibaba3317 - 5/22/2015, 7:08 PM
"welcome to CGI world"
Reasonnnn - 5/22/2015, 7:09 PM
Pratt stock rising. Let's just hope the film is good because the CGI still hurts. Might be the unofficial sequel to DEEP BLUE SEA.
MarvelChaos - 5/22/2015, 7:17 PM
That TV Spot turned out to be fan made.. still cool though
PkBlitz - 5/22/2015, 7:20 PM
I still find it funny that this movie opens in June 11, or 12 or 13 in some places. The events of the first Jurassic Park book happened in the same days (11, 12, 13), some people even say the director delayed the release just to fit that goddamn date.

@alibaba3317 you missed some trailers there pal? or maybe tv spots? we've already seen animatronics of the Indominus Rex, Blue, Delta, Apatosaurus and there are a few more confirmed we haven't seen yet. From trailers alone we've seen almost as many animatronics as the first Jurassic Park film had.
MyNameIsKhan - 5/22/2015, 7:23 PM
Steelers4190 - 5/22/2015, 7:23 PM
Literally complaining about cgi in 2015 lol
BlackPhillip - 5/22/2015, 7:28 PM
That's nice. It's still going to get killed by Inside Out the week after.
santoanderson - 5/22/2015, 7:36 PM
It's become trendy to complain about CG. I was reading the comments on that recent Jurassic World TV spot with the hatching Indominus Rex, and people were complaining that they didn't use a puppet, "because the puppet baby raptor they used in Jurassic Park was perfect." No it wasn't. You watch that scene today and the raptor's movements are very minimal, very rigid. It's eyelids are glued open, so it's incapable of blinking. They had to string 10 feet of electrical cabling up Sam Neill's sleeve so the camera wouldn't catch it. The thing looked like a toy.

I'm not saying animatronics are bad. To the contrary, animatronics are terrific, and I know that they're using animatronics in this film. But there a things you simply can't do with an animatronics. And the CGI in the film looks great. The CG shots don't look perfect, but to be fair, neither do the animatronic scenes.
Canon108 - 5/22/2015, 7:38 PM
This movie is going to'll make a ton of money, but it'll be brutal.
Kyos - 5/22/2015, 7:54 PM
Hope it does well for Pratt's sake, guy deserves the success!

But damn, for being a sequel to a movie I really like and starring a bunch of actors I also like this just doesn't get me excited much. First trailer killed pretty much all of my initial hopes and hype. :(
AsgardianHobo - 5/22/2015, 7:59 PM
It didn't reach a $200 million opening, so it's a failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, still used to the haters on the AoU threads
Ryguy88 - 5/22/2015, 8:00 PM
I'll go see this but I'm not expecting anything great.

Having Avengers and Mad Max come out 2 weeks apart really front-loaded this summer, it probably peaked right there.
SuperCat - 5/22/2015, 8:00 PM
When does this air on TNT?
AsgardianHobo - 5/22/2015, 8:02 PM

May 14th, 2019

Prepare your DVR bro!
SuperCat - 5/22/2015, 8:03 PM
LOL! @ AsgardianHobo

Can't wait :/
FrozenDiamondz - 5/22/2015, 8:04 PM
Lol at taking tracking this early seriously

AOU was "tracking" for $250 mill a month before release remember?
AsgardianHobo - 5/22/2015, 8:06 PM
Oh, look....Diamondz is here.....time for some real discussions!

AsgardianHobo - 5/22/2015, 8:10 PM

You both like Frozen, congrats.

Dude trolls constantly with 1-liners.......I would be surprised if that this wasn't an alt account
Ryguy88 - 5/22/2015, 8:14 PM

Dude, tracking is just an early estimate, by definition its not supposed to be 100% accurate. Chill.
Gab - 5/22/2015, 8:31 PM
BlackIceJoe - 5/22/2015, 8:31 PM
I'll be seeing this movie, just because JP is my number one favorite film. But I'm not really having, the I need to see this, wow factor. I think it has do with the Indominus Rex not being scary. I remember for the first JP film, they didn't really show the
T-Rex until later in the story and with this it looks like we'll be seeing it early on. I like to see the big, evil, creatures be more in the background, killing people and you only see the monster later on. This way it builds up more expense. Plus I personally want to see the herbivores get to be shown as the more dangerous creatures, more. So I think that also has to do with it a little bit.

Everyone always says the T-Rex was the most dangerous creature, but the paleontologists say it was more creatures like the Triceratops. Does that mean I'd want to meet a T-Rex, no, but I wouldn't want to meet a Triceratops too. It's the same thing today, go into the African wilderness and you'd see elephants and lions and both are dangerous. The lion may eat you, but the elephant is more likely to charge at you, first. Take the African rivers if some one said I had to swim in the river with a crocodile or hippopotamus, I'd pick the Croc. So I'd just have loved to see creatures like the Sauropods and Therizinosaurs get their do too.
BlackIceJoe - 5/22/2015, 8:51 PM
DallasAvenger - 5/22/2015, 8:59 PM
That's cool. I look forward to it.
TheRedCondom - 5/22/2015, 8:59 PM
"You call that massive?! You lied to me! I've seen bigger!"

That's what she said.
TheRedCondom - 5/22/2015, 9:01 PM
I realllyyy want this movie to surprise me, but I haven't seen anything that REALLY brings me back in the world of Jurassic Park with this movie.

loki668 - 5/22/2015, 9:15 PM
For all of you complaining about the cgi: Would you prefer claymation? I would. Shit would be funny!!! Plus, claymation Chris Pratt would be pretty weird.


You actually went there?!?!?!? "That's what she said"?!?!??!? Oh well, it could have been worse, you could have hashtagged it ;)
AbhiShake - 5/22/2015, 9:30 PM
I like Chris Pratt but I have to say he was totally miscast in this movie, he doesn't fit in this movie.
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