Here's a portion of the report in Hitfix:
Speaking in a conference call to reporters yesterday, MSN TV reports Nimoy answered some questions on whether Spock would make a return in the highly anticipated "Star Trek" sequel.
Nimoy was quoted as saying, ""I frankly doubt that I will be called upon again. I think I was useful in the last film to help bridge between the original characters, the original actors, and the new cast. They have a wonderful new cast in place, and I'm sure they'll move ahead with them. I don't see, at the moment, why they would need me in the next film, although, if they called me, I'd be happy to have a conversation about it."
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He done good on the last star trek so I think that's a nice farewell to the fans. As Shatner passed the torch to the new generation, I think it's fitting that Nimoy does the same to a rebooted and newer generation. I for one see Quinto as a worthy succesor(note: I did not use replacement - nobody can replae Nimoy!)
Though you won't find me disappointed if they both cameo'd in the further Treks but as long as it make sense in that continuity.
Expect the new Enterprise to be Trekking near you summer of 2011.
access out. God Speed!