Hey Everyone and Welcome Back to What Did I Miss, where today I am going over some news I read recently about the new, yet to be released shows Strange New Worlds and Prodigy, as well as a very cool interview with Michael Dorn, in which he goes over his pitch for a Captain Worf show. I want to thank you for joining me and if you want to keep up with Star Trek news during this downtime hit that like button and subscribe bell as I will be releasing Star Trek video’s weekly. I put out one last week about the upcoming seasons of Discovery and Lower Decks, and I will link it here if you want to check it out.
OK, so first I want to go into the interview with Michael Dorn because it is pretty cool, and I love hearing about actors who love their characters so much that they pitch stories for them. This is of course nothing new in Star Trek, as William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Jonathan Frakes have all written and directed stories that included their own characters.
The interview was with Trekmovie.com and was for a new movie that Michael Dorn has coming out, titled Agent Revelation, but of course the conversation went back to his iconic character Worf. It really is a good interview in which he also talks about character growth and his role on the show, but at one point the interviewer asks if he would reprise his role. He of course said that he would and that he appreciated how Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis were able to voice their characters on Lower Decks, and that he would be very interested in doing the same. I really hope a lot of characters come back on Lower Decks, and in fact I am thinking about doing a video on just which characters I would like to see on the animated series. Let me know in the comments, who would you love to see show up on Lower Decks, or the other new animated series Prodigy that I am going to talk about in a bit. Here is what he had to say.
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