Billy Dee Williams Wants A Jedi Daughter Or An Evil Son In STAR WARS EPISODE VII
During the Wizard World Nashville Comic Con, Billy Dee Williams was once again asked if he would be joining Star Wars Episode VII. In an earlier interview, he said he wanted a Jedi daughter, but now he also wants want an evil son.
At the Wizard World Nashville Comic Con, Billy Dee Williams was asked if he would be returning as Lando in Star Wars Episode VII... again. He again says that he doesn't know for sure if he is coming back. “Everybody wants to know that. I have no idea,” said Williams. “I don’t know what they’re doing, but they’re still just in the middle of writing all that stuff. Obviously a lot of rumors are going around, but I don’t know. But if they ask, I’m quite happy to do it.” If Billy Dee Williams does get the opportunity to be part of Star Wars Episode VII, he has a couple ideas on how his character could come back. He once again mentions the idea of having a Jedi daughter, but now he has a new idea. “My idea was to come back with a daughter who was a Jedi, a beautiful daughter who was a Jedi,” said Williams. “But then somebody else came up with the idea of having a son, who’s a villain, which would be very interesting.” Would you like to see Billy Dee Williams return ti the Star Wars universe as Lando? Sound off below.