Donald Sutherland, Star Of THE HUNGER GAMES, DON'T LOOK NOW & KELLY'S HEROES, Passes Away Aged 88

Donald Sutherland, Star Of THE HUNGER GAMES, DON'T LOOK NOW & KELLY'S HEROES, Passes Away Aged 88

MEGALOPOLIS: Lionsgate To Distribute Francis Ford Coppola's Divisive Sci-Fi Epic In The U.S.
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MEGALOPOLIS: Lionsgate To Distribute Francis Ford Coppola's Divisive Sci-Fi Epic In The U.S.

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kylo0607 - 2/15/2018, 10:57 AM
Really, really liked how they use a variation of the Comic-Con trailer music track.

Which was the best trailer for the film, imo.
NinnesMBC - 2/15/2018, 11:01 AM
Worth a watch. :)
MosquitoFarmer - 2/15/2018, 11:03 AM
If it weren't for Spielberg I don't imagine they would be able to make so many references.
SpideyVenom3DS - 2/15/2018, 11:03 AM

watch them give this video game movie a fresh review
Pantherpool - 2/15/2018, 11:22 AM
@SpideyVenom3DS - This is a Spielberg movie so good reviews are most likely guaranteed.
ccxa - 2/15/2018, 11:03 AM
Don't know... I'm not feeling this movie
Buckster10 - 2/15/2018, 11:46 AM
@ccxa - This looks like one of those video game movies made by people who've never played video games, but think they're all like this. Like when they show adults just jamming on buttons on a controller in a way no one who really plays games ever does. And the random fanboy nostalgia shout outs are all over the place. Yeah, I love the Iron Giant too, but why is he in this?
ccxa - 2/15/2018, 12:30 PM
@Buckster10 - Exaclty! This was clearly made by people who don't even know how to turn a video game on.

I know the movie is meant to be on a VR, but it all seems too much. Don't think it will resonate with audiences. And they are throwing easter eggs left and right trying to appeal to nostalgia lol

Calder027 - 2/15/2018, 1:19 PM
@ccxa @Buckster10 - Just out of curiosity, have you both read the book? The entire novel itself is a giant Easter Egg love story. A lot of things had to be changed for this movie is my guess due to the fact that they couldn't get the rights to legit everything from the 80s/90s. I think the only reason Iron Giant is in this is cause WB couldn't get the Leopardon, so he'll be Parz's Robot companion. I wonder if we'll see all the Godzilla and Kaiju's from that universe.

First few trailers didn't do much for me, but this one finally hit the right cord.
ccxa - 2/15/2018, 1:51 PM
@Calder027 - Never read, not interested. But I'm sure Deadpool, Master Chief, the Iron Giant and that chick from Overwatch are not in the book.

And is that all there is to the book? They are selling the movie basically because of the easter eggs. What about all the rest that matters? Like characters?
ccxa - 2/15/2018, 1:53 PM
@Calder027 - Oh and one more thing.

Are they selling the movie exclusively to people who have read the book? What about the general audience?
UglyPocahontas - 2/15/2018, 2:02 PM
@ccxa - think the general audience doesn't like - Jurassic Park, The Delorian from Back to the Future, Halo, Overwatch, video games in general, old movies, comic book characters...

I mean, are you really trying to say that this movie is NOT delivering what it should to the target and general audiences??? What would you change?

Also, you haven't read the book so I'm sorry but you're opinion on the trailer and criticisms can't be taken seriously.

You have no reference point, you can't watch this and say "Iron Giant just doesn't makes sense." It's because they don't have the rights to use a certain robot from the book. Instead you rip on the movie for having Iron Giant in it without bothering to read the source material which would explain to you WHY he's in it.
Buckster10 - 2/15/2018, 2:08 PM
@Calder027 - How was the book? And, do they explain all of the pop-culture references? Are they actually a part of the story or just there? As someone who never read the book, I might be missing something here.
Lem1 - 2/15/2018, 2:49 PM
@ccxa - -Because the book is all about that. Book references several 1980s Pop-culture staples, several Steven Spielberg films among them, so it's actually kind of awesome that Spielberg's even making the film.
MNLawyer - 2/15/2018, 11:06 AM
I keep forgetting this is coming out. I'm a massive fan of the (audio)book. I'm going to guess this will only focus on the first key, but I might have missed something stating otherwise. Really happy Hannah John-Kammen is getting more roles as well.

CaptCoulson - 2/15/2018, 11:39 AM
@MNLawyer - HA! I've done the audiobook as well, well honestly most books I do, I get the audiobook (unabridged only), I'm even going thru it again right now.
But speaking of other supporting casting, I was a bit surprised when they announced TJ Miller for IROCK. Just that, okay Miller obviously isn't an A-list name or anything, does he even qualify for B-list? I'm not sure. But he's become enough of a well known, 'big name' that it doesn't seem to fit for IROCK, of all characters. I mean, yeah IROCK is at the center of a fairly big and important plot point story-wise (knowing both Wade and Aeche in real life, spreading that) but as a character he doesn't really have all that much "screen time", if you will, on the pages of the book. We don't directly hear from him very much at all, especially once you reach around the middle of the book.
My point is so then why do you get TJ Miller, unless you're beefing up the role. As someone else who knows the book well, does that make sense to you, what I'm saying?
MNLawyer - 2/15/2018, 11:45 AM
@CaptCoulson - Adding HJK as a new role, and Miller as I-r0k is a big part of what leads me to believe itll be a 3 parter. 2ish hours per key seems like a decent amount of time to tell an (albeit abridged) version of the story.
CaptCoulson - 2/15/2018, 11:59 AM
@MNLawyer - whoa wait a minute, you think RPO is a trilogy?? I mean I suppose technically anything is possible, but I've literally never have heard even the slightest whisper of rumor of that being the case. well and plus as much as I complain about them appearing to have changed a lot, within the trailer you can see the footage, they DO have the whole big army advancing on the castle bit near the end, and that's at the end of the story. I would very heavily doubt what you're suggesting.
MNLawyer - 2/15/2018, 8:22 PM
@CaptCoulson - You're 100% right. I kept thinking that was in the first act for some reason. Its been a long week
MrCamw1 - 2/15/2018, 11:07 AM
I dig the trailer!! Enjoyed th book( I know I've said it every time due to just finished reading). However not a fan of the guy playing Haliday. Almost feels like he's phoning it in. Also would have preferred Wade and Art3mis meet at the very end like in the book. That said still excited for the movie.
CaptCoulson - 2/15/2018, 11:42 AM
@MrCamw1 - YESSSS!! oh my god yes. As far as what you're saying of Mark Rylance and Halliday. yeah it's a small sample size, but I didn't like what I heard from him in the last trailer AT ALL.

I'm still def excited for the movie, but having veeeeery cautious optimism now.
MrCamw1 - 2/15/2018, 2:57 PM
@CaptCoulson - agreed the line delivery is terrible. I am looking forward to Simon Peg's portrayal of Og.
Otis - 2/15/2018, 11:17 AM
First trailer I've liked!
PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - 2/15/2018, 11:21 AM
This looks like CG soup. I know that may be an unpopular opinion here, but it's what I'm seeing.
MNLawyer - 2/15/2018, 11:23 AM
@PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - Its set inside a VR game. It's going to look like a game
Buckster10 - 2/15/2018, 11:48 AM
@PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - It's like they're trying way too hard with all the pop-culture stuff.
ChangAlang - 2/15/2018, 1:12 PM
@PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - We’ll then good sir..
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/15/2018, 11:23 AM
Looks so awesome but I haven't read the book so I still have no idea what the story is about.
SteveBosell - 2/15/2018, 11:25 AM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - Imagine a mix between Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory and every pop culture item from the 80s. It's essentially a treasure hunt story inside of a massive virtual reality game.
SteveBosell - 2/15/2018, 11:23 AM
I'm glad to see Olivia Cooke in in a movie. I really liked her in Bates Motel.
CaptCoulson - 2/15/2018, 11:40 AM
@SteveBosell - I realize now how incredibly naive I was to think they WOULDN'T get someone who looks as in the realm of perfect that Olivia Cooke does for the role of Art3mis lol
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/15/2018, 11:25 AM
I had no idea that the song used in the first trailer was just the instrumentals of this Pure Imagination cover.
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