Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the prequel to one of my favorites, the 1968 film that started it all. Although I am very excited for it, there are some flaws, that in my opinion, may ruin it. Here they are.
1: Heavy CGI. I thought they should have stayed true to the original's costume and makeup. The movie doesn't need CGI to look cool.
2: Explosive action scenes in during major plot points. This is a ripple of the Michael Bay effect, the man who ruined many things for an entire generation. Plot points need story and action, but the story helps the hook.
Now the Good Stuff:
1: Acting. James Franco is in a surprising role as the scientist that helps create Ceasar (Played by an awesome Andy Serkis) who is basically an ape Che Guevara. Another bright star is John Lithgow, playing Franco's father.
2: Story. The film has a decent story that follows the original film. Even though it has flaws, I have hope for it.
The flaws and successes just keep coming. The film has confidence, and sometimes the flaws and successes outdo each other. I don't know how it will be better than the original, but I think it will be pretty good. I sure hope so.