AVATAR Director James Cameron Had Plans For Venom In His Scrapped SPIDER-MAN Movie

AVATAR Director James Cameron Had Plans For Venom In His Scrapped SPIDER-MAN Movie AVATAR Director James Cameron Had Plans For Venom In His Scrapped SPIDER-MAN Movie

Avatar and Titanic director James Cameron has revealed he had plans for Venom in the Spider-Man movie he was developing in the early '90s. We even have some artwork featuring the black suit Spidey...

By JoshWilding - Jun 03, 2024 06:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

In the late 1980s/early 1990s, Avatar, Aliens, and The Terminator director James Cameron had ambitious plans for a live-action Spider-Man movie.

After writing the screenplay with Barry Cohen and Ted Newson, he'd have directed the movie. While we've heard about many possible casting ideas the filmmaker had (Arnold Schwarzenegger as Doctor Octopus was one of them, believe it or not), Leonardo DiCaprio was expected to play Peter Parker.

It's one of those movies fans will likely always wonder about; instead, Sam Raimi helmed 2002's Spider-Man, with Tobey Maguire playing the web-slinger and a tone more in line with Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's comics instead of the R-Rated adventure Cameron likely had planned.

Electro and Sandman were expected to be Cameron's villains, though a quote attributed to the director at Cinematheque Francaise in Paris confirms he also had plans for Venom. 

"And then there's Spider-Man, the greatest movie I never made," he said. "Because my version of the project didn't get off the ground, very little concept art was created for it, although I did draw a couple of pieces myself."

"This is a sketch I did, in Prismacolor on black paper, to get myself in the mood for writing the script."

"I wanted to express the vertigo that the movie would induce, when going up high-rises with the fearless wall-crawler. I show him in an all-black suit here-anticipating that I would want the Venom alien symbiote version of Spider-Man to show up somewhere in the story, either in the first film or the sequel. I always think ahead," Cameron concluded. 

In 2021, he admitted that Spider-Man "would have been a fun film to make," explaining that rights issues ultimately killed the movie. However, he still walked away with a valuable lesson. "I made a decision after Titanic to just kind of move on and do my own things and not labor in the house of others’ IP. So I think [Spider-Man not coming together] was probably the kick in the ass that I needed to just go make my own stuff." 

"I think it would’ve been very different," Cameron said, revealing he viewed the character's journey as representing "a metaphor for puberty and all the changes to your body, your anxieties about society, about society’s expectations, your relationships with your gender of choice that you’re attracted to." 

Check out his Venom tease in the X post below.

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harryba11zack - 6/3/2024, 6:28 AM
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Vigor - 6/3/2024, 6:30 AM
@harryba11zack - puberty!
dragon316 - 6/3/2024, 8:30 AM
@harryba11zack - wow just that one panel can be taken wrong way and disturbing with male character before it
The1st - 6/3/2024, 11:32 AM
@dragon316 - ...you'd be surprised how much that happens nowadays. And I don't just mean comics.
Origame - 6/3/2024, 6:29 AM
Yeah that would've been too soon.

I think ideally you have a traditional spiderman for the first movie, adapt the black suit saga for the second, then give us venom for the third.

...all 19 inches 🤣
ObserverIO - 6/3/2024, 6:41 AM

Would have loved to see a James Cameron X-Men also.
At least some of Cameron's ideas survived, like the organic webshooters, which I actually do prefer just for the sake of believability.

Guillermo Del Toro quoted a line of his from the Spider-Man script on the recently released Pinocchio Blu-Ray,

"An invisible line that you don't know is there until you've crossed it"

Love that.
clintthahamster - 6/3/2024, 9:55 AM
@ObserverIO - Spiders don't shoot webs out of their feet, though. Believability from that standpoint would be more like The Venture Brother's Brown Widow.
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ObserverIO - 6/3/2024, 12:35 PM
@clintthahamster - They should do that in the reboot. I demand realism dagnabbit!
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 6:44 AM
just rewatched SM3 much better than what Marvel is giving us at the moment.....cant say ive rewatched the latest MCU as much s ive watched this
Origame - 6/3/2024, 6:54 AM
@WhateverItTakes - even tasm2 is better than what marvel is giving us now.
Origame - 6/3/2024, 7:56 AM
@Matchesz - I mean, it's not much of a stretch considering marvel is giving us sh!t like she hulk, the eternals, and the marvels.
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 9:20 AM
@Origame - i know....ive always loved the tone of the Raimi trilogy
Origame - 6/3/2024, 9:21 AM
@WhateverItTakes - yeah. Shame we couldn't get that when raimi did MoM.
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 9:23 AM
@Origame - those have always made good money......i think they have a following and would make a lot of money if they did a fourth
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 9:24 AM
@Origame - 3 made nearly 900m in 2007 let that sink in
Origame - 6/3/2024, 9:56 AM
@WhateverItTakes - yeah. Post no way home a spiderman 4 would do gangbusters.
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 10:05 AM
@Origame - seeing how well Bully Maguire is received and his appearance in NWH only enhanced that its a no brainer
Origame - 6/3/2024, 10:14 AM
@WhateverItTakes - yeah exactly. And with people hyped about another garfield movie, quite frankly I'm wondering why they're even bothering with Holland specifically.
WhateverItTakes - 6/3/2024, 10:15 AM
@Origame - yeah hes the worse of he 3 for me.......his yank accent aint convincing
Origame - 6/3/2024, 10:20 AM
@WhateverItTakes - and spiderman is literally his best role....
Matchesz - 6/3/2024, 12:57 PM
@Origame - i actually liked as1 compared to 2, they did too many unnecessary changes in as2 like killing off norman osborn. The villains were ass, and fight scenes never felt as grandiose since the raimi trilogy. I think raimi’s new york just felt more natural compared to the other two, watching those scenes still feel like it can happen today. I think its cuz you had crowds standing behind barricades watching as electricity and bullets shoot over their heads like it was a wrestling match in as2, stuff like that takes me out of films
Origame - 6/3/2024, 1:52 PM
@Matchesz - I mean, ok. But I'm comparing tasm2 to modern marvel. Not the raimi trilogy.
S8R8M - 6/3/2024, 6:49 AM
Imagine if he started the next trilogy. It would be good for him to get away from blue cats in space. Only so many times you can see illuminous things at different angles.
lazlodaytona - 6/3/2024, 6:50 AM
Woulda been nice if Sony gave him the keys to Spiderman 3. Would have been the tits!
SuperCat - 6/3/2024, 6:57 AM
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YouFlopped - 6/3/2024, 7:16 AM
can’t wait for Sony to regain full creative control of SM. ❤️
FinnishDude - 6/3/2024, 8:50 AM
@YouFlopped - Don’t tell me you unironically want more movies like Morbius, Venom and TASM?
Forthas - 6/3/2024, 7:24 AM
I know Venom is a popular character in the world of Spiderman but I can not get into him. He to me should have been a one- off villain and then move on. But to each there own.
Matchesz - 6/3/2024, 7:54 AM
@Forthas - people swear heroes fighting evil versions of themselves is boring until venom and carnage names drop
dragon316 - 6/3/2024, 8:33 AM
@Forthas - in movies yes one time thing maybe cameo in sequel but comics it was good in 80 and 90 Eddie Brock Spider-Man grew in size more stronger in webbing physically and with symbiote but not as smart fell for stupid trick he thought killed Spider-Man on island didn’t pay off
GodHercules20 - 6/3/2024, 9:18 AM
@Forthas - I venom as a goofy villain
TheVisionary25 - 6/3/2024, 7:45 AM
Idk how I would have felt about his version , especially with it being Rated R due to excessive profanity & graphic nudity which I don’t think Spidey needs to be…

There would have been a whole scene of Peter & MJ atop on the Brooklyn Bridge discussing spider mating rituals as a means of foreplay before they have sex which is weird to read lol.

I do like his take about the characters journey being a metaphor for puberty & the teenage experience which is an apt & valid read imo.

Anyway , I think it could have been interesting but I’m ultimately good with it not happening.

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DalekCraigWasson - 6/3/2024, 8:44 AM
@TheVisionary25 - If the scriptment cut out the R rated stuff, it would have been excellent. A lot of the puberty stuff wound up in the film anyway (along with Cameron's revised origin story, the line "The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fall," and a few more things).

Some of the R rated stuff even worked, IMO. Not the cursing or sex scene, but stuff like how the cops are on Spider-Man's side until he stops a racist beating, then the police are on JJJ's side. Or how Spider-Man stops some guys stealing a TV on a fire escape, resulting in the thing collapsing, and while he can save one guy, he doesn't have time to save them both, adding to his guilt and wondering if Spider-Man truly helps or hurts the community. There's also a lot straight from Lee/Ditko too like Spidey with a cold or having his suit destroyed and having to buy a higher quality version from the Halloween store.
TheVisionary25 - 6/3/2024, 10:59 AM
@DalekCraigWasson - yeah , I’m probably being too harsh on it

It could have definitely worked if they just cut out a lot of the unnecessary R Rated stuff.
JustAWaffle - 6/3/2024, 8:55 AM
That would have been…..something
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Spidey215 - 6/3/2024, 9:25 AM
James Cameron Script or Concept wasn’t bad. I only hear people ever talk about it being bad literally because of the cursing and the sex scene. Had a prime Leo DiCaprio done the film alongside a prime James Cameron, I don’t think it would’ve failed. It probably would’ve been viewed as cult classic blockbuster from the 90’s anyway, on the cusp of the renaissance like Blade.

DiCaprio & Edward Furlong as Peter Parker/Spider-Man or Harry Osborne. Nikki Cox as Mary Jane, Michael Biehn as Boyd/Sandman
Lance Henricksen as Carlton Strand/Electro
Spidey215 - 6/3/2024, 9:28 AM
In terms of Cameron doing Venom, it would’ve been pretty cool/ interesting. His Venom and overall version of Spider-Man seemed to be an a mashing up of Ditko & Mcfarlne. Very 90’s inspired grunge.
Spidey215 - 6/3/2024, 9:48 AM
Would loved to also seen David Fincher’s Spider-Man. People give him grief about his nihilistic tone but he always been versatile with films like Benjamin Button, Panic Room, and Social Network. Fincher said he loves the Romita comics growing up. The Night Gwen Stacy Died. Could’ve had feels of Spider-Man Blue as well.

Fincher would also be good for a Kravens Last Hunt film.
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/3/2024, 2:06 PM
Shame cause he’s probably the only person that could have visually pulled off a movie like this in 90s

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