Why I wasn't satisfied with the first Spiderman, all comes down to Tobey Maguire. I loved Pleasantville, it was the first time where movies have sort of touched on the issue of color, even though there wasn't still anyone of actual color in the movie, but he did a great job.
So I expected the same for my greatest mythilogical love which is the story of the Spiderman, the comic book that might never have gotten made if my uncle, Stan Lee, or is he more of a grandpa? Naw he's uncle Ben for sure. Yeah well he hadn't been so adamant about getting it out there. Spiderman is to me the best comic book. It's proven time and again how successful an investment it is and it will always have a place deep in my chest.
So the first scene between Norman Osborne and Peter Parker should have been a special scene to see for the first time on the big screen, but it was bad all around. They were awkward and not in the acting good kind of awkward, no they were just bad. Willem Dafoe is a great actor too, why did the movie seem so silly?
Raimi, it all goes back to Raimi. His cinematic 'style' if you will is just silly, case in point Army of Darkness. I like it, I watched it recently it was a good movie, but not my kind of Spiderman movie.
I want funny, not silly. I want pure acting, not weird acting, great acting, not good acting, and I want it to feel real. I want it to also feel like the comic book.
On top of that I want webshooters and great smartass comments to come flying from Peter all the time as if he is truly uninhibited while in the suit. Plus I want Peter to be strong and to have personality and to show it. Plus the chance to at least date other girls, even though his relationships always dissolve because of his duties.
So I hope for the next films that they adhere to a whole new realm of their own, and that they introduce new villians well as well as new characters and I would like to see Flash Thompson caught in danger and then in love with Spiderman only to still have a thing against Peter. I thought that was a very interesting idea that my Uncle came up with.