The age of Peter Parker and the actor that will eventually play him in the upcoming reboot, has caused a lot of uproar in the CBM community. Should the actor playing him be around the same age? Should they go with an older actor? Should Marvel even be making Peter a teenager in the MCU? These are just a few questions brought up ever since the Sony deal was announced.
I for one, would rather they went with Peter Parker being in his twenties, in the MCU reboot of the character, given that we've seen him as a High Schooler in 3/5 of his films, made by Sony. Even though that's my preference, I'm am okay with Peter being in High School again, so I have little left to say on that subject.
Since Peter Parker will be a Teenager in the MCU, it would make sense for them to cast a teenage actor, like the recently rumored Mateus Ward(Weeds). The thing is, finding a young actor who can act well. Also they would need to be able to hold their own on screen with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and others. The actor has to have charisma and be able to pull off the personality of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. If Marvel can cast that actor, then all is well.

Many are against casting a 20+ year old in another teenage role. In some cases it's justified to complain, but not all the time. The first thing about casting older, is that these actors tend to have more experience and can hold their own against the caliber of actors, such as Robert Downey Jr. The downfall though is that a lot of the time they do not look the age they are portraying. This is not the case all the time though; actors such as Dylan O'Brien(Teen Wolf), who is/was a frontrunner for the role of Spider-Man, can and is currently portraying a believable teen(He's around 16-17 on Teen Wolf). Dylan O'Brien is in his twenties yet he could still portray the young Peter that Marvel wants for their cinematic universe. He's a great actor, he has charisma, and the perfect personality and look of Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

So what age should Marvel's Spider-Man actor be? Simple, it doesn't matter(this of course is only for actors who can portray the age they want). Marvel wants a teenage Spidey, and that fine by me, I just have to say, don't limit your scope to only teenage actors. There are actors out there, who are much older than the age they want Spidey to be, but can still pull off the age and can portray the personality of Peter Parker/Spider-Man perfectly.