SPIDER-MAN PS4: Every Rumored And Confirmed Superhero And Supporting Character Set To Appear In The Game

SPIDER-MAN PS4: Every Rumored And Confirmed Superhero And Supporting Character Set To Appear In The Game

Spider-Man is just weeks away from being released and we're taking a look at the superheroes and supporting characters we're expecting to see in the game, and there are definitely some exciting names here.

By JoshWilding - Aug 09, 2018 05:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man PS4
With less than a month to go until Spider-Man is released on the PlayStation 4, you'd best believe that there's a whole lot of excitement surrounding the spectacular looking title. Everything we've seen looks amazing and early word on the title points to it quite possibly being the best superhero video game of all-time, something which is no easy feat after Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy featuring the Dark Knight. 

We've already taken a look at the confirmed villains and alternate costumes which we'll see in the game but now the spotlight is being moved to the supporting cast and other superheroes we'll see. 

Some are confirmed and others are rumoured, while we also touch on a few more villains and suits we didn't get chance to cover earlier this week. So, to take a look at this breakdown of what to expect from the game, all you guys have to do is click on the "View List" button below to check them out.

Harry Osborn

Norman Osborn is New York City's mayor in the game but his son Harry - who keeps in touch with Peter, throughout - is overseas. However, there's nothing to say he won't make a physical appearance; bear in mind that Harry went to Europe in the comics to recover from his stint as the Green Goblin so perhaps he'll be revealed as the secret member of the Sinister Six in a pretty unexpected twist.

Mary Jane Watson

The game is offering a slightly take on Mary Jane Watson because while Peter Parker is working for Horizon Labs these days, she's landed a job at The Daily Bugle! That means players will be able to take control of her as she investigates Mister Negative's Inner Demons and we'll actually get some stealth missions as a result, all of which should provide a nice breather from Spidey's action-packed battles.

Yuriko Watanabe

Yuriko Watanabe was ultimately revealed as the villainous Wraith in the comic books but this version of the character will seemingly be loyal to the NYPD and a close ally to Spider-Man. With any luck, that will remain the case throughout but seeing as Dan Slott wrote the story, it wouldn't be that surprising for her to ultimately suit up in that persona (perhaps in some DLC rather than the main story).

Aunt May 

The version of Aunt May that we're getting in Spider-Man is a little younger than her comic book counterpart but that's pretty much become the norm since the character was rebooted for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Captain America: Civil War. She'll be working in F.E.A.S.T., something which is going to put her on the ground for whatever Martin Li has planned as the villainous Mister Negative.

Doctor Strange

It's been confirmed that Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum will be a location that players can visit in the game and while we don't know if the Sorcerer Supreme himself will appear, common sense says he'll make a cameo appearance of some sort. Mister Negative's powers are somewhat supernatural in nature so the wall-crawler tracking him down for some help at some point would definitely work.


The adopted daughter of Wilson Fisk and one-time lover of Matt Murdock, Echo is a deaf superhero who served as Ronin in The Avengers for a time. It's been revealed that she will appear alongside the villainous Blood Spider in a prequel novel to the game and while that doesn't necessarily mean she'll show up here as well, it would definitely make sense for her to appear in some way, shape, or form.


Talking of the Man Without Fear, there's a lot of evidence that he'll show up in Spider-Man and while Insomniac continues to play coy, The Kingpin and Echo existing in this world all but confirms that the wall-crawler will cross paths with his old ally at some point. What sort of role he'll play remains to be seen but even just a cameo appearance would make fans of the comic books very happy indeed.

J. Jonah Jameson

We're getting a slightly different take on J. Jonah Jameson in the game as he'll have left The Daily Bugle to start a web series called "Just the Facts." Episodes will randomly pop up as you swing through the city and the former publisher will no doubt take every opportunity he can get to weigh in on Spider-Man's adventures in the Big Apple, no doubt declaring him a menace to society in the process!

The Avengers

One of the coolest reveals has to be the fact that Avengers Tower is part of the New York City skyline. Unfortunately, we don't know for sure whether or not any of Earth's Mightiest Heroes will show up but like Doctor Strange, it would be silly not to have at least one or two members make some sort of appearance, even if it's just Iron Man flying overhead or Captain America attempting to help out.

Black Panther

Another character whose "home" has been confirmed to make an appearance in the game, we've known for a while now that we'll see the Wakandan Embassy. Whether or not T'Challa will also show up is hard to say but it would be very cool for Spider-Man to respond to an attack there, only to find himself teaming up with Black Panther (even if that only lasts for a few minutes, it would be fun).

Miles Morales

The popularity of Miles Morales has led to the youngster being included in the game and while we still don't know whether or not he'll suit up, you have to believe this title will set the stage for that. Personally, my guess is that he'll become Spider-Man by the time the game ends, not necessarily replacing Peter Parker, but certainly opening the door for Insomniac to launch some Miles themed DLC.


Insomniac has been teasing an appearance from Venom for a while now and it would be nothing short of amazing to see him make some sort of appearance here. I'm not sure what that would consist of but seeing as Spidey has been doing this for a while now, the two of them could have become allies and Peter may even find himself enlisting the villain's help to try and take down the Sinister Six. 

Doctor Octopus

Evidence has mounted in recent weeks that Doctor Octopus has some sort of role in the game and it would make perfect sense for him to be unveiled as the leader of the Sinister Six. We know that Dan Slott is a huge fan of the character and it's been a while since he's had a significant role in a video game so it will be very interesting seeing how he's used and the way a battle between them play out.

Steve Ditko's Classic Design

We know that Spider-Man's classic suit will be used in the game but the Steve Ditko version will also be making an appearance which is definitely exciting news for comic book fans. With any luck, that will be red and black, incorporating the wall-crawler's smaller eyes and web wings at the same time. This had to be included in some form and I'm sure it will look nothing short of spectacular in glorious 4K.

Superior Spider-Man

Well, this had to make some sort of appearance, right? Seeing as Otto Octavius' Superior Spider-Man was so brutal, it will be very interesting seeing what extra abilities this suit has and if it unleashes Peter Parker's killer instincts. There are a few versions of this suit so we don't know for sure which one we'll be getting but I'd put my money on the one the villain spent most of that run wearing in the game. 

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ElJefe - 8/9/2018, 5:09 AM
Not reading - you only get one chance to be surprised on first play through and I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time!

Wish I hadn’t even seen the thumbnail
CaptainElrond - 8/9/2018, 5:14 AM
@ElJefe - Bit of advice. Don't go on youtube until you have played the game. I had god of war ruined for because of youtube spoiling virgin wankers.
Solarkalel85 - 8/9/2018, 5:44 AM
@TheBillCipher - ah crap. ya need to be staying clear of everything coming up to the release of a game or film these days.
CaptainElrond - 8/9/2018, 5:47 AM
@Solarkalel85 - Film is a bit easier. Nobody seems to care about gaming spoilers. I am already getting prepped for the last of us part 2.
ElJefe - 8/9/2018, 7:07 AM
@TheBillCipher - Good advice! I’ll stick to my PUBG mobile streams and competitive food eaters that I watch for some inexplicable reason
Ghostnuzzler98 - 8/9/2018, 7:37 AM
@ElJefe - Don’t worry, most of these are just speculation rather then confirms. In true Josh Wilding fashion...
ElJefe - 8/9/2018, 8:02 AM
@Ghostnuzzler98 - Josh gotta Josh
Solarkalel85 - 8/9/2018, 9:56 AM
@TheBillCipher - saw the trailer for that, it looks unreal. Didnt play the 1st last of us but my brother is always going on about how great it is
Gizmoduck - 8/9/2018, 9:26 PM
@ElJefe - nothing to worry about anyway, wilding is an awful writer and just continues his escapades of posting 'news' which is just a ton of speculation hes been wrong about time and time again - and it all continues to NOT be news. This article is no different. almost every character is, well maybe this guy or that girl because ya know...there are words on a building.
CaptainElrond - 8/9/2018, 5:13 AM
", The Kingpin and Echo existing in this world all but confirms that the wall-crawler will cross paths with his old ally at some point."

Possibly...but it seems like more heavy speculation than a confirm.

BackwardGalaxy - 8/9/2018, 6:07 AM
@TheBillCipher - This is a Josh article.
Gizmoduck - 8/9/2018, 9:27 PM
@BackwardGalaxy - so lets classify speculation as news!!!!!!
Matador - 8/9/2018, 5:17 AM
Damn it Josh and your What ifs? !
Kumkani - 8/9/2018, 5:45 AM
Really liking everything I'm hearing about this game, and it looks great too. I bet the secret member of the Sinister Six is either Norman or Harry Osborn as the Green Goblin.

And yes, A Daredevil or Black Panther video game would be all kinds of awesome.

CaptainElrond - 8/9/2018, 5:48 AM
@BlindWedjat - Assasin creed origins reminded me of bp. Maybe take advice from that (even use the same voice actor, look him up he sounds great)

Kumkani - 8/9/2018, 6:27 AM
@TheBillCipher - I'm not the biggest AC fan, nor have I played Origins (but I've seen a lot of it and it looks pretty phenomenal), I can see it a basis for a BP game.

It'll be good to have that option for stealth with someone like BP, as well as another to be less stealthy and more showy and aggressive. Likewise the freerunning/parkour mechanic can be a nice complement to T'Challa's agility and a way to get around the landscape of Wakanda (though he'll also need vehicles like a hoverbike or his plane as well).

I do think the combat should feel a little bit like this Spider-Man game, with the speed, finishers and using gadgets on the fly. The kinetic energy thing from the film and recent comics is a perfect game mechanic as well.
CaptainElrond - 8/9/2018, 6:48 AM
@BlindWedjat - Kinetic energy could be a bar to filled as they say. Used to finish fights.

I actually think it should be more god of war/dark souls combat to be compliment the claws. He also has finishers of course.
ThunderThighs - 8/9/2018, 5:53 AM
I'm really interested in the passages of the game in which you play as MJ.
GhostDog - 8/9/2018, 6:04 AM
We need Daredevil and Black Panther games STAT

doomsday619 - 8/9/2018, 6:06 AM
@BlackBeltJones - I agree with the template of New York done they can hopefully go onto other characters with different stories set there.
GhostDog - 8/9/2018, 6:33 AM
@doomsday619 - Exactly. DD can cover Lower Manhattan and Hell's Kitchen.
Kumkani - 8/9/2018, 7:16 AM
@BlackBeltJones - The only thing I'm not so sure of is if a Black Panther game should be so open world and set solely in Wakanda. The idea of freely exploring Wakanda is great but unless they've got a really good story, I feel like BP does need to travel the world. That's something I loved about the movie, having that James Bond vibe to it, and also some of BP's best comic runs have him as a globe-trotter.

That way you get to explore Wakanda's political significance on a global level, and you can ramp up the espionage elements as well. Hell, I don't see why you can't have space or planetary missions as well.
GhostDog - 8/9/2018, 7:37 AM
@BlindWedjat - Well I think a good start would be having the open world allow access to neighboring African countries for some missions (Ghudaza, Azania, Nigands) and a few other internarional locales like NYC obviously (Marvel U hub), Madripoor, and and maybe South Korea (a casino mission as a homage to yhe film).
GhostDog - 8/9/2018, 7:37 AM
@BlindWedjat - Niganda***
NotoriousWolf23 - 8/9/2018, 2:26 PM
@BlackBeltJones - imagine a Dr. Strange game... Holy shit
Grodd87 - 8/9/2018, 6:46 AM
This game looks amazing can’t wait to play it. This red dead and fallout will have me busy over the next couple of months. I would love a green arrow escape from super max game. Daredevil would also be a great game.
Mrcool210 - 8/9/2018, 7:42 AM
Two things

First of all insomniac have been doing anything but teasing venom. They have flat out said he is not in the game and that no symbiote is in the game multiple times.

Also just because marvel land marks are in the game doesn’t mean they are “likely” to appear. For [frick] asked they have again said no other hero cameos. By your logic the fact that superman is referenced in a line of dialogue in Arkham knight confirms he’ll make an appearance in that game.

For [frick]s sake Josh you just get worse and worse. Stealing articles is bad enough but flat out printing info that is literally the opposite of what’s actually been said? That’s [frick]ing disgusting
JustAChillFan - 8/9/2018, 7:56 AM
Didn't they say that venom was 100% not in the game and that there won't really be any other hero cameos just little winks and nods?
Kman - 8/9/2018, 8:49 AM
I'm so [frick]ing ready for this
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