Why the spider-man reboot may the best thing for Marvel

Why the spider-man reboot may the best thing for Marvel

If we remember correctly Sam Raimi's Spiderman set the bar for what comic book movies should be....maybe that was the problem

Editorial Opinion
By psycho - Sep 13, 2010 12:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

Sam Raimi came out of the gates swinging with Spiderman. The epic first installment in the box office smashing Spiderman trilogy. It had everything we ever wanted from a comic book movie....everything except sequels. We watched as Peter Parker got bitten by the radioactive spider, watched Mary Jane from afar, fought with Flash, lost his uncle Ben, realized he could have saved him and heard the with great power comes great responsibility speech. Though even all of these great elements were not enough to carry this series. I loved the first Spiderman movie, except for the fact that the Green Goblin looked like a Power Ranger villain reject and his character was not developed in any way. Oh and that Eddie Brock wasn't even a thought in Peter's head. Other than that it was amazing.

Then after all that Goblin dies. What the hell kind of screwed up plot is that? You introduce a major villain in the Marvel universe in your first movie, fail to build him in any way shape or form, and then have him killed off. Yes I know it happened in the comic but oh well, you could of at least let him live through the first movie and use him to bring in hob goblin in the second. Instead they went with doc oc, who is my favorite villain in any of the Spiderman movies so far. Alfred Molina had an exceptional performance as the doctor and deserves a second chance in the reboot to reprise his role. But any way, they kill goblin, okay whatever things happen life’s tough.

Then you move on to the second movie, we see Harry starting to lose his mind much like his father did and Peter delivering pizzas. As for how much time has passed since the first movie, I have no idea but yet we trek on. Pete gets fired for doing his heroic duties and then we realize Mary Jane is in a musical. Weirdest way to start a movie, but then we meet doc oc, and then we meet Dr. Curt Connors. This gave me hope, I thought we were going to see doc and lizard, but no we just get doc oc. That’s okay though it’s still awesome. Then the movie ends with doc oc dying. What the hell is Raimi trying to do? If he kills off all the villains what is left? Spiderman and Mary Jane raising their kids? I wouldn't pay to see that.

Then we move on to the 3rd and final movie, Sandman, hob goblin, and venom. When i hear Eddie Brock Jr. and that he is going to be in the movie I start getting wood, venom on the big screen no way it’s going to amazing. Then they even go as far as to introduce wolf man to the story. Oh my god amazing, but then i start to think about it I realize that this makes no sense. None of these things can be together. None of these characters exist at the same time in the comics, and not only that, the origins of the characters are downright ridiculous. Sandman killed Uncle Ben; um no he did not but thanks for playing. So this leaves me to believe that this movie makes no sense, at all. Then I realize that venom was only in the movie for 20 minutes, and I become angry. Then after that I realize that Mr. Raimi has gone and killed off yet another character, no wait two characters. We lose Hob Goblin, Harry Osborn and we lose Eddie Brock, way to go Raimi, you started strong with one of the best comic book movies to date, and ended with Howard the Duck.

Thanks to this we have X-Men movies with characters whose names don't match their powers and Daredevil, which was just awful in every way possible except for Collin Ferrell as Bull’s-eye. Then we got Elektra from Daredevil, if anybodies actually seen it and pained their way through this abortion of a movie I feel sorry for you. So Raimi started a snowball effect that killed Marvel comic book movies as we know it. Until Iron Man of course, I guess that makes Jon Favreau Jesus who died so that we could lose all of our sins. By died I mean he loses the Avengers because he put all his eggs in one basket with Ironman. And by sins I mean Spiderman 3, X-Men 2 and 3, Daredevil and Elektra.

So now we sit poised and ready for the Spiderman reboot, just the thing Marvel needs to usher in the new Disney era. A movie that has promise, a young Peter Parker who looks like he is in high school instead of college and the ultimate series. I love the ultimate series; it makes much more sense for the modern audience. With Christoph Waltz in talks to play lizard how can they mess this up? They won't, they can't afford to. This movie is what Marvel is banking on to open the door to the future. After the Avengers, after Captain America, after Thor. We can look at this movie as the doorway to a new world, a Marvel universe that isn't full of characters with the wrong names, 3 villains in 1 movie, and characters who don't deserve their own films, this movie is just what Marvel needs, just what we, as comic book fans and people who love to watch men in tights beat up monsters need. A new beginning.

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Denn1s - 9/13/2010, 12:39 AM
ummmm... favreau killed the villains too.
GMTdean - 9/13/2010, 4:54 AM
Love your post i completely agree I do think it will be heavy Ultimate SM universe witch is a really good idea, because the goblin is a bad ass in that. I agree they should try keep some villains alive build up more characters don't rush through like Rami.
Twenty23Three - 9/13/2010, 4:58 AM
Daredevil was probably one of my favorite Marvel films to date. Plus Marvel are opening a new future with the Avengers and such with a unified universe. If those films turn out even half as epic as they can, they will outshine the next 40 spiderman prequel sequel reboots sony will do
Denn1s - 9/13/2010, 5:09 AM
i would love an ultimate green goblin. he is my favorite ultimate character
TheDarqueOne - 9/13/2010, 6:58 AM
I honestly wish I had your faith in the Studio but I do not.
CorndogBurglar - 9/13/2010, 7:09 AM
thats all well and good except for one thing...

Marvel/Disney have nothing to do with this movie.
OdinsBeard - 9/13/2010, 7:41 AM
do we really need all of these SM reboot articles for each and every one's opinion? isn't that what the comments sections is for? im so sick of glorified comments being put up in editorials. if you have an opinion write it in the comments sections.

nothing personal against you psycho@ yours was just at the top of the list of 4 or 5 "my opinion the spider-man reboot and how SM3 could've been saved" articles
Deadshot - 9/13/2010, 8:03 AM
I have zero faith in sony, who now have complete control over the Spiderman franchise with no experienced director like Raimi to challenge them they can make Webb do whatever they want basically.
Superman8 - 9/13/2010, 9:08 AM
Spiderman 1 is on TV!!
CorndogBurglar - 9/13/2010, 9:18 AM
@ odin

its getting pretty redundant, huh?
flames809 - 9/13/2010, 2:11 PM
corn- yup it is

deadshot- webb is a experienced director, see 500 days of summer, and you'll see why he got the job.
joekerr93 - 9/13/2010, 2:42 PM
holy shit, this is the third spiderman article in a row!!!

btw, most directors have killed the villains in their superhero movies...

how does andrew garfield look like a high school student? is isnt he like 28?
secretasianboy - 9/13/2010, 6:38 PM
i really not sure about this movie
it could be the greatest thing ever
it could also be the greatest failure ever
we'll have to wait and see
GreenieGobbie - 9/14/2010, 3:25 AM
I respect you trying to make a point here...but it's like I couldn't understand what you were saying half the time. It's like you haven't payed attention to these movies at all. And the Hobgoblin wasn't in Spider-Man 3, that was the New Goblin (a name used in promotional marketing, and on the credits). Harry never became the Hobgoblin, but only in Ultimate Spidey comics. But how does Ultimate Spider-Man make more sense? Ok sure, there are some elements that make it much more sense than the original series, but could you ever see a Hulk-sized Green Goblin in real life that throws fire balls? I don't think so. I can definitely see a guy dressed up as a Goblin, but where's the logic to that? Either way, both of the comic series don't make sense, and that's the fun part of it. Also, I was not trying to defend Spider-Man 3, I was just trying to clear up the facts. At least I do agree with some of your points, but on the other hand, when you said Harry was going crazy in Spider-Man 2, I didn't think he went crazy at all. Maybe drunk all the time, but not even close...well seeing his father through a reflection in the mirror is kinda crazy...but he was drunk, remember? So he obviously could've or maybe not seen his father at all that time, either if he was drunk or not, we don't know that for sure, but we can only assume. And yeah I agree that the villains shouldn't have died, which is why I think they could've been brought in later all, and go with the Batman Begins route. Start off with unknown supervillains, and work your way through to establish the big ones in Spidey's rogues gallery. Like what they're trying to do with the Iron Man movies right now. Mandarin is the big baddy in the comics, right? Well Jon mentioned before that he's saving the best for the last, which is a good idea, imo. Although I hope he doesn't screw it up, or Marvel screw it up, like they did with Iron Man 2. Anyways, back on subject. Idk where Man Wolf came out, but he wasn't in Spider-Man 3. Although I agree that John Jameson should've return to the third one, to be the one responsible for bringing the symbiote suit, but why should he become Man Wolf by the third movie? Just because a character that we all know of as a villain in the comics, doesn't mean that the character should automatically become the villain in the movie. Heck, Dr. Connors was in 2 Spidey movies, and they haven't made him into Lizard in those 2. That's because they were trying to develop his character much more before that, like they did with Harry before he became the New Goblin (a.k.a. Green Goblin II). Like for example, in this reboot we have the Lizard or Electro, and we also have Norman Osborn, but he's not the Green Goblin yet, or a villain at all either. Well maybe his company can have something to do with Electro or Lizard, but what if Norman was behind the scene, and tracking Spidey at his every move before donning the Goblin mask. And by the third or maybe fourth film, Norman becomes the Green Goblin for the first time. Why take that long? Well it gave us time to get to know his character, and to know what he's planning too. Or maybe not, and just keep it a secret like they did in the comics, where we never knew about Goblin's identity until ASM #39 and #40. That would create a lot of suspense and mystery for the movies, and a good plotline too. So half and half I agree with you on some parts, but I think you really need to check some of the latest sources before posting this. Because Marvel/Disney has no control over this movie, and neither is Christoph Waltz going to play as the Lizard/Connors or whatever villain they're choosing for this film. That's all.
spider1489 - 9/14/2010, 2:03 PM
great artical! i agree 100% !
Jeri - 9/14/2010, 11:11 PM

(FYI you forgot fantastic four and its sequel)

But anyway, ignoring the fact that none of those films actually take place in the marvel cinematic universe, including the spider-man reboot. As well; they're not even made by marvel, just produced, and barely.

How is any of this relevant? Did you know, none of those films are made by marvel and that none of them take place in the cinematic universe? Because by the sounds of your article you don't.


This might clear all this comic book movie universe confusion up for you, that is if you don't already know.

travisto83 - 9/15/2010, 7:52 AM
Hey nice article. Just to throw it out there for the amount of time between the first and second film. In the very begining of the second movie when aunt may and peter are talking aunt may says "an you really believe it's been 2 years since we lost your uncle ben."
thetrubatman14 - 9/16/2010, 1:48 AM
GreenieGobbie - 9/16/2010, 3:36 AM
Dude, get your facts straight. Marvel had no control over Spider-Man 3. Sony did, and Sony also has full control for this reboot. Unless they screw up and it's a box office failure, then Marvel gets the rights back and then maybe Marvel can make their own Spidey movie.

P.S. Next time please don't use caps lock while writing a message. Thank you.
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