TMZ's Josh Dickey has gathered together a few early reactions to Man Of Steel. Here's the longest one from Daniel Dalton:
"Short version: Looks amazing, action is awesome, Cavill & cast are excellent. Unlike any Superman film we’ve seen so far…
Long version: More of an origin story of Kal-El than Clark Kent - if that makes sense - from the opening scenes on Krypton to the arrival of General Zod and the threatened genocide of humanity, Man of Steel is about what it means to be human - how Kal-El finally accepts he is Clark Kent, and how human kind accept Superman as one of our own. It’s a film about being an outsider - being different, and accepting yourself whether others do or not. It’s a film about fathers and sons, and - with more than a few sly biblical references - it’s a film about faith. Not necessarily religious faith, but faith in others. Faith in yourself. Negatives would be the lack of character development in anyone other than Kal/Clark - Martha Kent and Lois Lane both suffer from underwriting, and Lois Lane especially is denied the chance to develop beyond two strong scenes, becoming a damsel in distress/love interest by film’s end. Not quite at the same level as Batman Begins, but gives a stronger platform for sequel development than Superman Returns did."
Some reactions from "movie people" and one second-hand account sent his way:
"One dm I got for MOS stated that it made him weep it was that great. He wishes he could write about it and break this embargo."
"MOS is awesome:) Best Summer movie yet.
"I loved MOS. Completely disagree with people nit picking "not enough personality". It's different: Bigger action, tight, VERY focused story.
And now the not so positive. This is a second hand account from an unnamed movie blogger:
"I haven't seen Man Of Steel yet, but from those that have (and are under embargo) I've heard it's abysmal. 4 or 5 said go in with way, way lowered expectation, and that they've removed all sense of character from the film"
Jenn Murphy writes:
"There's a reason why they told us not to tweet about the movie we just saw: IT'S TERRIBLE!!!
Also it definitely fails the Bechdel Test. Seriously can big budget movies create a decent role for a woman? It's getting pretty ridiculous."
There are bound to be more reactions over the next couple of days, as these are just the first wave. What do you guys make of them?