It Doesn't Sound Like Henry Cavill Is Any Closer To Reprising The Role Of SUPERMAN In The DCEU
In news which is bound to come as a disappointment, a new report claims Warner Bros. still has no plans to move forward with a Man of Steel sequel despite the backlash regarding Henry Cavill's departure.
Ever since Justice League disappointed at the box office (something which was pretty much inevitable given how much money it cost to make), Warner Bros. has taken a new approach to its DC Comics adaptations. That includes changing the tone of these movies and not announcing any sort of slate. Instead, the studio is taking, well, a wait and see approach before making any future releases official.
Unfortunately, that includes Superman because it doesn't appear as if Warner Bros. is any closer to resolving things with Henry Cavill. As you'll recall, we heard a while ago that the actor is hanging up his cape after it became apparent that the studio had no plans for a Man of Steel sequel and weren't paying what he wanted. However, his departure may not have been a public negotiating tactic after all.
According to Variety, the studio still isn't moving forward with a Superman movie starring Henry Cavill and that probably means the backlash aimed at the British actor walking away from the role won't have done anything to change Warner Bros.' mind about doing what's necessary to keep him part of the DC Extended Universe. Clearly, Superman is going to remain on the shelf for the foreseeable future.