Think of this movie as a reintroduction of Superman for the new generation. I still remember how Tim Burton's Batman (1989) changed people's perception of The Caped Crusader, as a brooding dark knight dressed in all black leather instead of the campy crime fighter dressed in gray and blue spandex. With that in mind, here are some points I’d like to put a spotlight on.
This movie has been out for quite sometime, SPOILER WARNING seems redundant.
Supporting Characters:
The House of El
Jor-El and Lara-El scenes in Krypton are beautifully shot, highlighting a sense of hope in their devastating fate very well. Touching performances by Crowe and Zurer. Russell Crowe made Jor-El a very respectable, beloved figure; thanks to the writers on that part. The entire Krypton segment pulled me into their world from the get go.
Lois Lane
Amy Adams has the perfect acting chops to play an ambitious, Pulitzer winning reporter Lois Lane. I don’t care much for physical appearances, but from a fanboy point of view, they could have at least dye her hair darker to distinguish her as the brunette from the other redheaded love interest, Lana Lang.
Perry White
They portray Perry White as a wise, intelligent man in a modern world, instead of a two dimensional, obnoxious chief editor we used to see in previous incarnations. Great move by the writers.
As much as I liked Shannon’s performance, Faora stole the spotlight from Zod. I’m more terrified of Faora than Zod because she gives this cold blooded killer persona more effectively. Antje Traue’s decision not to fraternize with her co-stars during filming was a brilliant move by the actress.
The Kents
Martha Kent is such a calming presence in a hectic world, while Kevin Costner should get an Oscar for portraying Jonathan Kent. Every flashback scene in this movie was very powerful and inspiring, right up to the last moment where he sacrificed himself. If you didn’t shed a tear, I don’t think you’re human.
Writing & Direction
I heard plenty of complaints of how they wrote the dialogues as being a little bland, but I just thought the pace of the movie is rather quick, especially the romance between Clark and Lois. That kiss was way too soon. I know it was after a near death experience, but let it build up till the next movie so women will have something to look forward to. Us guys couldn’t care less about that I assume.
I might be a little biased because I grew up in an era where songs were at least 5 or 6 minutes long with 2 minute guitar solos in the middle, so I'm patient enough to wait for build up and climactic scenes. I understand how movie producers nowadays want to appeal to kids in this generation where every single one of them has Attention Deficit Disorder, plus the critical bashing of Superman Returns made them reluctant to drag out any character or plot developments. I'd say, the heck with general audience, make the movie the way you intended them to be, it's your art. People will either love them or hate them; can't please everyone. At least, if the makers are happy with the final product, then I'm happy for them.
The Positives:
With all due respect, Hans Zimmer almost made me forgot that John Williams’ Superman theme ever existed. His arrangements blend in perfectly with every scene, and the main theme “An Ideal of Hope” should be the mainstay for Man of Steel movies for years and years to come, it’s that majestic.
This is a perfect imagery of Krypton; the rough surface, the gritty technology, the pompous council, the alien creatures, everything. Like I said, they really took me in that world.
Designs and Costumes
This current Superman costume design will be the game changer for all Superman movies to come, just like Burton’s Batman all black costume did in 1989. Also thanks to the DC Comics New 52, Superman will now be remembered as the superhero without the red trunks. Props to concept artists and the designers for not only Supes' costume, but the Kryptonian attires and spaceships. The all-black Kryptonian military suits are very menacing.
Fight Scenes
I vote for Faora vs Superman fight scenes as the best of the decade. One of the coolest I've seen.
The Negatives:
Lack of Language Barrier
I can forgive the fact that The Kryptonians speak English in Krypton, but when they arrive on earth to confiscate Kal-El and Lois, they suddenly speak perfect English, with various accents too...? Sure they have accelerated intelligence with the yellow sun radiation, but they could have written Kryptonian lines to add realism, especially during the scenes on Krypton. Take example from Avatar, people don’t mind reading subtitles.
“If you care so much about these people...”
There are very few scenes showing Superman getting out of his way to save innocent lives. We need more of that, perhaps, having him instructing the soldiers and authorities to get people to safety, a la Captain America in The Avengers, so the scene where the soldiers lowering their weapons down and Colonel Hardy said “This man is not our enemy” when Supes emerges from the train wreck would have more emotional weight.
The Questions:
The Suit
How did the suit get in the ship? My wild guess would be, the command key. It was programmed to manufacture a Kryptonian suit when activated. I’m also guessing that the ship was scanning Kal-El’s body while he and Jor-El’s consciousness were conversing so by the time they reached the chamber, the suit was ready and properly sized for him. Just my theory, I could be wrong.
So-Called “Controversial” Ending
Yes, Superman has the greatest moral compass of all superheroes, but he’s no idiot. Consider this. Before the final battle in ground zero Metropolis, Zod made this whole speech about how he lost his people, and as a result, he has lost his soul. Now what do you call a living being without a soul? I’d say a machine? And then when he starts a rampage of destroying everything in front of him with his heat vision, what has he become? A killing machine? So when Superman has Zod in his chokehold, restraining him from killing perhaps the 3 out of hundreds of casualties, Superman must think, if I don’t stop him now, there is no stopping him ever.
Controversial it may be to Superman fans (although he has killed a few times, causing his own demise), this death sentence is no different than an act of self defense.
Plus, it gave me a few sequel ideas out of this scene; I bet Goyer and Snyder had something in mind as well. Read on for my sequel predictions.
Easter Eggs
I'm sure everyone spotted Kara Zor-El's pod, that scene was explained in the Man of Steel prequel comic book. Excited at the possibility of seeing her in the sequel.
That’s how DC should differentiate their sequel setups from Marvel, instead of after credit scenes, use the Easter Eggs, scatter them all over the movie. That way, more DC comic book fans will recognize them immediately, consider it a comic book fan service.
Sequel Predictions
With Lex Corp signs all over Kansas, I have a feeling they will bring Luthor in for the sequel, just like they brought The Joker in the second installment of the Dark Knight trilogy.
We all saw the destruction in Metropolis, and I’m guessing Lex Corp scientists will gather every alien tech they could find, and they will eventually discover Kryptonite by accident. I’m guessing that Kryptonite in this Snyder/Nolan/Goyer-verse is just another debris from the Kryptonian spaceships.
Considering the death sentence without due process Superman lay on Zod, Lex would probably manipulate the people into believing that Superman is threat to mankind. So that’s my sequel prediction, Superman as public enemy number one. Much like, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.

Now I’d like to pitch an idea where Bruce Wayne comes in the picture, not as Batman, but as a friend of Clark’s, helping him fight the judicial case against Lex Luthor’s accusation. With Kryptonite in the picture, Clark obviously needs someone who's immune to it to fight some of his battles. Not to mention the possibility of Kara Zor-El appearing in Metropolis, this could turn out to be Superman/Batman: Public Enemies indeed. Obviously Bruce has all the technology to identify Clark Kent as Superman, especially after one of his satellite was destroyed when Superman was fighting Zod up in space, but as a fellow vigilante he won’t expose him to the public. How about if they make superhero registration act as a plot point where it will expose all superheroes in the nation as a threat to the whole world? And by the end of the movie, introduce a powerful villain in the Easter Eggs, it’ll be a perfect setup for Justice League.
The Gospel Parallel
Superman took that leap of faith and surrender himself to save mankind. I think one of the reasons people hated Man of Steel is because of the religious undertone, Kal-El being 33 years old (the age Jesus was crucified), and the scene where he seeks answer in the house of The Lord. Firstly, Clark Kent grew up in Kansas, one of the bible belt states. Anyone also noticed Martha Kent wearing her cross necklace? And the fact his earth parents names are Jonathan and Martha, similar to Joseph and Mary? Superman was a comic book reimagination of the Messiah, he was written that way all along. Notice also when he was addressed by Lara as Kal, son of El, which in Hebrew means, Kal, son of God.
Can’t help but notice that Superman’s powers were inspired by the bible’s description of God’s powers as well, for example:
Super strength - Psalm 136:12 “with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.”
Super hearing - Isiah 65:24 “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
Flight - Isiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Super-vision - Psalm 33:13-15 “From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth - he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.”
Super speed - Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Heat vision - Revelation 1:14 “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire;”
Invulnerability and Longevity - Psalm 48:14 “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.”
And that Jor-El (Hebrew for “God will uplift”) sent his only son Kal-El (Hebrew for “voice of God”) to earth to inspire mankind - John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
I’m not necessarily saying Superman is the Messiah, but merely inspired by God. Just happened to be a believer and an avid comic book reader at the same time. Can’t help but to spot Christian values in pop culture.
Updating the Superman mythos is no easy task and they did one heck of a job to lay out the foundation for future Superman movies, and even the DC Comics pantheon of superheroes.
And hopefully, the wisdom that Clark received from Pa Kent and Jor-El would instill the kindness in people's hearts; that doing the right thing, helping others without asking in return, or just being a good, selfless person, is very cool. Today's kids have grown too snarky for kindness sometimes. To Henry Cavill, the humble, polite, sincere, well mannered, kind gentleman that you truly are, thank you for being our new, and real "Superman".