Fanboy Complaints: MAN OF STEEL

Fanboy Complaints: MAN OF STEEL

The return of my wonderful series: Fanboy Complaints. This time I tackle some of the complaints on the polorzing, controversial film: Man of Steel!

Editorial Opinion
By yonny616 - Oct 22, 2013 06:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

Hello ComicBookMovie community! Hope you guys and gals have been doing great, anyways, enough with the small talk. Today I will be responding to some of the fanboy complaints for Man of Steel. well then, lets get started.

Why does the council send Zod to the phantom zone before the planet blows?
Well if you were familiar with the lore of Superman you would know that the council doesn’t believe Jor-El that the planet will blow. The way the council was in Man of Steel was the same. They didn’t believe the planet would blow, that’s why when the planet is blowing up Lara says Jor-El was right.

So they just had Superman’s suit ready 20,000 years ago?
In the novel of Man of Steel, there’s a part where Jor-El and Kal-El walk through a hallway of suits in the ship. It’s probably one of the scenes that were cut. I personally would have loved to see this scene. Imagine Kal-El and Jor-El just walking and they see the all the suits, one for male and other for females, maybe the female version of the house of El suit is missing.

How does Superman know he can fly?
He doesn’t, but he’s told to test his limits; and he tested his limit when it comes to jumping and it lead to flight.

How does Lois find out Superman’s identity so fast?
This is the dumbest one I’ve ever heard, but it was thrown around. Lois doesn’t find out the alien is Clark in a day. Lois, at the very least, spent a week or two tracking down events that were weird which leads her to the ihop guy who knew Clark personally, which then he points her to the Kent farm. Lois even said she knew if she turned enough stones she’d find him.

Jonathan Kent dies for a dog.
You fanboys are cruel human beings. “He dies for saving the dog? LAME!” Really? So let me get this straight, if that was your dog (or cat) in the car you wouldn’t go back for it? You’d just let it die because it’s an animal? I know I wouldn't. Well why couldn’t Clark go back for the dog? Because Jonathan Kent was scared that revealing Clark’s true nature would cause the world to go into chaos, and that the human race will come after Clark. That’s why he says in an earlier flashback, that when Clark reveals himself it’ll change everything. Religion, life, and what it means to be human.

Why did the Kryptonian’s take Lois Lane onto the ship?
It’s pretty obvious since they tell you in the movie why she was up there. They took the information they needed from her, since I’m sure Superman could have resisted their attempts to take info from him in a dream. Lois even says they “dissected” her brain.

Superman destroys Smallville and doesn’t care:
This is an outright lie. Okay so he destroys some barn house (I don’t know what it is), ruins some crops and crashes through a 7/11 gas station, but he does all this in a fit of rage from his mother being attacked. We all know an angry Superman doesn’t think clearly. Also it’s the Kryptonian’s who are throwing Superman all over the place and knocking planes from the sky, and it’s also the military who starts shooting and blowing everything up just to kill Superman, Faora, and the other big dude. Why didn’t he take him out of town you say? He tried, like three time, but Faora or the big dude kept bringing him down. So there goes that plan.

Why isn’t Superman in Metropolis saving people, but he’s half way around the world?
Seems like you weren’t paying attention to the movie; Superman is near the south Indian Ocean (I believe) to stop the world engine because it’s working in tandem with the Zod’s ship. “Oh but the military could have handled it” No they couldn’t, they couldn’t even handle the one in metropolis that didn’t attack back. The world engine had that squid tentacle defense system and the gravitational pull; we would have seen the army fail like they did in the first place. That’s a job for Superman! He can get across the world in less time, and he has the strength to pull it through. Also the world engine was the main source of the terra-forming, not Zod’s ship. That’s why the terra-forming stops when it’s destroyed.

Superman doesn’t save anyone:
I guess you missed the whole saving the people from the oil rig in the beginning, or the kids on the bus, or the military personnel in Smallville, or how about the whole world!

Superman doesn’t care about Metropolis:
Why and how? Last time I remember he saved Metropolis from being turned into complete rubble. Oh he was flying into buildings? Or maybe if you paid attention it was Zod throwing Superman all over the place, not to mention ALL of the buildings they collided with were empty. Seriously, you’d have to be an idiot to stay inside a building after watching all those buildings collapsing. Oh he should have taken Zod out of the city? So do you think Zod’ll just agree and say “Yeah, sure. I know this cool place in the desert, let’s go there”. No, Zod said he wanted to hurt Kal-El by killing every single human.

All of a sudden Superman cares about people?
Seems like the symbolism went way over your head. The family of four represents us humans, he’s not just trying to save them, but the rest of our species.

Superman doesn’t kill!
Tell me where this imaginary rule came from? Superman doesn’t want to kill, but if he has to he will do it. He’s killed before in the comics, and he’s taken risks that could have lead to death. Zod gave him an ultimatum: Krypton or Earth, and Superman choose us. Not to mention he asks Zod to stop and Zod responds with “Never”. Which by the way, sounded so evil and sadistic.

Well those are it. I hope you guys and gals enjoyed the read! Until next time CBM community!

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BatmanHeisenberg - 10/22/2013, 7:30 PM
Thank you! I loved this movie so much it is the best CBM ever second only to TDKT.
GinjaNinja - 10/22/2013, 7:59 PM
@movie was average. Nothing special but not bad by any means. Its in the top 20 CBM probably. Good enough to start up the DCCU. But no were near top 10.
GinjaNinja - 10/22/2013, 8:04 PM
I agree with most points. Pa kent shouldn't have died like that, superman should have saved him. My real complaint is just that they didn't write the characters well. It has nothing to do with following comics, so really isn't a fanboy complaint. More just a over all complaint. You forgot the complaint that everyone had at superman getting a job without a college education at the newspaper.
GinjaNinja - 10/22/2013, 8:04 PM
great write up. Good job.
Poolio - 10/22/2013, 8:08 PM
This movie is in my top 5 best CBM of all time
StatenMan18 - 10/22/2013, 8:27 PM
Movie was ok.. Just needed more character development.. Seemed kind of rushed to me at least
yonny616 - 10/22/2013, 8:36 PM
@Omega Lol Thanks for making me laugh. I'll admit, the flying one was sort of rushed.

He doesn't intentionally tackle her there. Last time I checked she was about to kill one of those pilots, so Superman tackled her in a desperate move. So I write some articles on Nolan's Batman movies and I'm a Nolanite, then I write one on Man of Steel and I'm a DC fanboy? I wrote an article defending the Mandarin twist even though I didn't like it. Am I a Marvel fanboy too? Way to generalize someone based on a few articles. That's CBM community for you.
arkhamknight - 10/22/2013, 10:33 PM
A four and a half star triumph for me. An edgy and bold new direction for a superhero that needed a bit of refreshing. While I seriously can't understand some of the complaints people have, I get the destruction bit. I'm looking forward to seeing a true Superman, but I'm incrediblty happy with what Man of Steel was.
aresww3 - 10/23/2013, 1:18 AM
@EVERYONE - Problem with Man Of Steel isn´t destruction or no killing. That all is forgivable, if superman was an actual character rather than generic good guy with no personality. Again Superman didn´t come off half as interesting as Batman because Goyer has no idea who the character is. The movie failed because of this and some really sketchy writing. The kill was the ugliest most deflating anticlimax to a movie ever. It was like, oh the hero can just snap his neck, so all this destruction has been for nothing, the whole time all he needed to do was snap the guys neck. It wasn´t that supes killed, its the way he did. As I said I would have forgiven all this if they had have focused on developibng supes in the second movie, but it doesn´t seem with Batman being added that that is possible.

Poor Character development and sketchy writing is the real problem with this film.

Also your first point about Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone. Why wasn´t Lara sent as well, if they really thought the planet wouldn´t explode? She commited treason by having a natural child? This was outlawed on Krypton. Furthermore, why were there marriages on Krypton if they encouraged people not to have children? To make matters even worse, why the hell were there "houses of El" or houses of any family, if there were no families? How can you have a House Of El if you don´t have children on your planet? who is the house passed on to? Or does it just exist as long as you are alive then just disappears? If so it would seem pointless for Kryptonians to establish such formal feudal style houses? Its just not a logical script. The way it goes from star wars Krypton to naturalistic Earth to nut job physics (wormholes opening on earth) is just plain stupid. If people really think about the movie, the flaws are so obvious, and though it was entertaining, I can completely see why loads and loads of people thought it was quite frankly bad.
aantny88 - 10/23/2013, 5:01 AM
Excellent points of which I agree on all counts! Well written responses to some fairly ridiculous criticisms of the film. I swear so many people wanted to hate this movie before it was even released, either due to their dislike of WB/DC or because they longed for the red underwear and the cat in the tree saving Superman of the 1970s/80s.
aantny88 - 10/23/2013, 5:17 AM
@aresww3: first of all Supes was never really in a position to snap Zod's neck outside of when they were in the train station. Secondly like the author of these responses states, if you know anything about Superman, he doesn't want to kill, but in this case he had no choice nor time to make any other decision. He was pushed to end Zod's life to save that family and also remember he had been soaking in the Sun's solar energy for 33 years and was a natural birth unlike the test tube baby Zod, who was only exposed to the yellow Sun for a few days.

Also you do realize their are "families" on this planet that do not have their own children, but that adopt or have children through other means such as IF and surrogate parents? It doesn't make them any less of a family and I'm pretty positive that the same was true on Krypton. Nothing illogical about that at all! Lara and Jor-El may have had a "natural" child, but was it punishable by death/expulsion and was considered treasonous in order to be sent to the Phantom Zone? I highly doubt it. Zod and his crew committed treason by committing a coup! Most likely a more egregious offense than having a natural born child! Would you have rather had Snyder/Goyer go through all of Krypton's laws and the punishments for violating them one by one? Or maybe you could use that little something called logic to figure it out!
aresww3 - 10/23/2013, 11:01 AM
aantny88 - I wasn´t asking Snyder/Goyer to go through all the laws of Krypton. I was asking them to make a logical society in the first place. A krypton that actually makes sense, if you´re going to try and do a realistic take on the Superman mythos, Krypton should have been more realistic.

Instead it was just some stupid rip off of Feadal society. Why a highly advanced alien civilisation capable of space travel would be anything like humans were hundreds of years ago, and have dragons, and suits of armor is beyond me. Especially if the tone of the movie is supposed to be real. Also, everything about Krypton was idiotic. A couple of things have already been mentioned in the article. The fact the whole plaNET WANTS to commit suicide including Jor El and Lara El. I mean fact, even if everyone on the council didn´t know the planet was doomed Jor El and Lara did. The fact the planet has the institution of marriage, yet outlaws having natural children. In every other fiction I´ve read that Snyder/Goyer ripped this idea off from, any Totalitarian society that takes away the right to have children, always outlaw the institution of marriage.

Also Zod said it was treason to have a natural child. There should have been some punishment. Maybe you´re right, not the phantom zone, but some form of punishment for blatantly undermining one of Kryptons most important laws. Yet she stands there with the council as if friends with them.

The council also had to have known the planet was doomed. Its clear they did because they were weighing up the options of what to do when Jor El confronts them and Zod also expresses there insanity before being banished to the phantom zone.

This is just the first 20 minutes of the film. As the film continues, it gets worse. Then they just don´t bother to have characters. The only actual characters in this film are The Kryptonians. Jor El and Zod mainly. Maybe you can add Pa Kent, but thats as far as it goes. Clark Kent KaL El was simply not a character at all. He was just presented as Superman "We already know who he is, so we´ll just allude to that and just have him save people and punch stuff"
MrReese - 10/23/2013, 1:01 PM
kenjim152 - 10/23/2013, 3:51 PM
@aresww3 u r back dude!!!!! long time, well In China marriages are legal and people are just allowed to have one kid. Jor El told Zod at the very begining of the movie about blood lines, so it is stated that children are not naturally born, but they keep their blood lines and then they are genetically modified, I guess that is pretty clear, I have to accept that I am impressed you missed that one. I have to disagree with u (one more time) I actually think Goyer kinda knows Superman better tan He knows Batman, I have read Superman for more tan 25 years and almost everything we had in the movie I have read before. I also think Lois took more than 2 weeks to find out about Clark and his powers, that is why she was called down by Perry after She told him She had quit that story.Do You really want Krypton to be realistic??? we are talking about an alien society dude??? Now here on earth we do have cars and airplanes and people still use horses and camels, in some places even for war!!! so why wouldn't Kryptonians ride dragons???? (if that is what they are).
I still believe MOS is one of the best CBM, even better than most of the average movies we get from Marvel or any other studio for example.
lucio7lopez - 10/23/2013, 4:02 PM
Superman doesn’t save anyone:
I guess you missed the whole saving the people from the oil rig in the beginning, or the kids on the bus, or the military personnel in Smallville, or how about the whole world!

Wooo man! You're absolutely right! I love this movie.

MrCBM56 - 10/23/2013, 5:18 PM
Great article, great movie. I reckon CBM of the year.
whoa123 - 10/23/2013, 6:07 PM
Wow great article! I'm just tired of people saying these things over and over again, if they didn't like the movie it's fine but to say these complaints as an excuse to dislike the movie was just bullcrap because it just shows that they are not paying attention to the movie. One of the best CBMs for me, definitely in my top 10.
Prime - 10/23/2013, 6:41 PM
I like it, but get rid of Goyer or have Affleck write the screenplay.
VaCubFan - 10/23/2013, 7:16 PM
Sorry- you immediately lost me at "..the return of my wonderful series". Scrolling thru the comments, i have to agree with Yossarian and aresww3 and a few others. I didn't like the movie.. too much of a "haven't we seen this before, but on a less grander scale?" -cough- "original"? ... hate it? no, not really, but those calling this the greatest ever need to get some sunshine and out of mom's basement (IMO)
cld247 - 10/23/2013, 7:38 PM
Great article, I love the movie. It's amazing and [frick] what the haters got to say.
Dredd97 - 10/23/2013, 8:59 PM
Epic article! Right on all accounts. Loved this movie. Definitely in the top 5 best CBM's
Vaportrail - 10/23/2013, 11:36 PM
I like the spirit of this article, but in the future I'd learn to make your argument without being so condescending to your opponents.

It should be a debate, not an argument.
SkaarJones - 10/24/2013, 12:00 AM
Loved Man Of Steel,
1. Man of Steel/Avemgers
2. TDK
3. X-Men First Class
4. Iron Man
5. Kick Ass
6. Spider-Man 2
7. The Wolverine
8. Batman Begins
9. Blade
10. Constantine
aresww3 - 10/24/2013, 1:39 AM
aresww3 - 10/24/2013, 2:02 AM
@vaportrail - I like the spirit of this article, but in the future I'd learn to make your argument without being so condescending to your opponents.

It should be a debate, not an argument.

@kenjim152 - Thanks for the welcome back. You know what it is, I don´t actually hate this movie. I really don´t. I do think its illogical and a vast dissapointment considering the trailers and the ideas that informed it. Look I wasn´t waiting for a film where Superman punched something, I was just waiting for a good Superman film, I feel somewhat underwhelmed by this film. Snyder specifically said he is treating this superman film like the original series never existed, which I was really excited about. He was going to take the Superman mythos seriously, i.e. what first contact would be like?, what it would be like to discover we had a virtual god living in our midst?, human beings fear of the other?, what would an advanced alien civilisation actually look like?, what would it be like to discover you were this vastly powerful being on Earth?

This was a really ambitious film and I applaud them for trying, but the basic fact is the only thing this movie succeeded at was giving us a lot of action. Everything else the film was going for was glossed over. Now all I ask is for supporters of this film to recognize that and demand better. Don´t just settle. Yes the action was great, better than anything Marvel has done outside Avengers, but a true DC comics fan knows if a Superman film was done properly it could easily be an oscar worthy movie. He´s a fascinating character and deserves to be taken seriously. The ramifications of such a being existing are vast and very interesting, yes an alien society is somewhat fantastical but the fact is they could be out there. Its not in the realm of pure fiction, so I would have liked to see them think through Kryptonian society a bit better and not have them act like morons. I just think things could have been done with a little more originality that is all I´m saying about the movie. I don´t hate it, I enjoy it, but comic book movies should aim for a higher standard if we want them to continue to thrive.

aresww3 - 10/24/2013, 4:23 AM
KurtW - 10/24/2013, 9:40 AM
Man! I loved this article.
kenjim152 - 10/24/2013, 5:35 PM
OmegaDaGod@ You mean like all Marvel's after credits scenes???
@Ares you are right, quality has to be an important issue in comicbook movies,, but I think Supes is a really difficult charácter to handle, they just established him and his world, the sequel is likely to go further and that is why I am so happy about having Batman in the sequel, there is no way we have a superhero in the world without having Batman overseeing him (TOWER OF BABEL).
Let's see what we get in the sequel.
JamesMan - 10/27/2013, 8:17 PM
I want to kiss you for this. Well done!
MightyZeus - 11/2/2013, 2:32 AM
This movie in my opinion was a roller coaster. I loved it.
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