Kryptonsite found on Twitter that it looks more than likely Annette O'Toole who plays Clark's Mom, Martha Kent, will be returning for the
Smallville finale.
O'Toole from her JimmyJindo Twitter account tweeted this:
Guess where I'm going next week? Starts with a V.
The first hour is yet to start shooting of the
Smallville series finale and Vancouver starts with a V.
LEEE777 - Hey its either that or shes appearing in the sci-fi series
V, ha no its got to be Vancouver. As always hit the comments below.
The next episode of
Smallville "Kent" airs 15 April CW and the rest with air dates:
Episode 18: "Booster" Airs — 22 April 2011
Episode 19: "Dominion" Airs — 29 April 2011
Episode 20: "Prophecy" Airs — 6 May 2011
Episode 21: "Finale" Airs — 13 May 2011