Clark is led to the former headquarters of the Justice Society of America wherein he meets superheroes Dr. Fate, Hawkman, and Star Girl. John Jones, Green Arrow, and Chloe team up with the Justice Society to stop a superhero killer and Lois learns of Checkmate, when sent a mysterious package.
Air date tonight CW Network 8/7c.
Guest Casts:
Brent Stait as Dr. Fate/Kent Nelson
Michael Shanks as Hawkman/Carter Hall
Pam Grier as Amanda Waller
Britt Irvin as Stargirl/Courtney Whitmore
Wesley MacInnes as Icicle
Plus regulars:
Tom Welling as Clark Kent/Kal-El
Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Erica Durance as Lois Lane
Allison Mack as Chloe Sullivan
and Cassidy Freeman as Tess Mercer.
LEEE777 - Holy moly as Captain Marvel would put it, the day is here.