Some people have been crying to have Michael Rosenbaum come back to smallville as Lex on the finally few episodes. well he was the only none T&A on the show that was at lest watch able.
He has been busy with the new tv show he's in called BRAKING IN on fox.
and on the last episode he wear a "special" shirt, a superman shirt.
would you call this move a slap in the face to smallville, a tribute to smallville, or him just doing when the writers asked him to do.
i think it would be funny as hell if it was him giving smallville the middle finger. but thats just me, i know some of you are die hard smallville fans, and im sorry for that ; )
i wont lie i watch it some times, but i watch the hour long show in about 5-10min, got to love dvr's, fast forward all the crap you dont care about.