Of "Sacrifice" Souders says, "We will see Tess and Chloe go head to head. What is interesting when we were working on that episode is we sat down and really started thinking about these two women and started drawing so many parallels between them. They’re really similar, because they’ve sacrificed so much for their belief systems. They’ve made a lot of personal sacrifices, and we’re not really sure whose sacrifices are going to pay off in the end.”
Of the relationship between Chloe and Oliver Queen, Souders says, "They have a very nice chemistry on screen, and that was noticed. You definitely get to see the two of them have a nice arc at the end of this run. Chloe is hopefully going to end on the winning team in love for the first time. I won’t make any promises that it won’t be complicated, but … they’re really fun to watch on screen, and they have a connection that neither of them have with anyone else, even like with Lois or Clark, who are the other two main characters in their lives. The two of them have a lot more to bond over.”
And of the season finale, "Salvation," she says: "It's going to bring all of our characters on a new playing field as far as relationships go or their position in the mythology. Clark takes on the bigger hero mantle in it. That’s definitely an evolution in his journey to being the Superman that we love.”