Mike Ausiello has been keeping a scorecard for the "May Finale Sweeps," and, whether intentional or not, he gave a spoiler for the next season of Smallville. Here is the sampling of his scorecard with the spoiler:
"Number of confirmed fatalities: 20*
1. May 3: Dana/24
2. May 4: Sun/Lost
3. May 4: Jin/Lost
4. May 4: Sayid/Lost
5. May 4: Dom/NCIS: LA
6. May 10: Rebecca Nevins/CSI: Miami
7. May 13: Dell/Private Practice
8. May 13: Anna/The Vampire Diaries
9 May 13: Johnathan/The Vampire Diaries
10. May 14: Tess/Smallville**
11. May 16: Robert/Brothers & Sisters
12. May 16: Patrick/Desperate Housewives
13. May 18: Charles Widmore/Lost
14. May 18: Zoe/Lost
15. May 18: Valerie/V
16. May 20: Charles/Grey’s Anatomy
17. May 20: Reed/Grey’s Anatomy
18. May 20: William Bell/Fringe
19. May 23: The Smoke Monster/Lost
* Excludes final minutes of Lost series finale
**Character will be reincarnated next season."
"Character will be reincarnated next season?" Does this mean that fans were speculating in the right direction with Granny Goodness and her changing Tess Mercer into one of her Female Furies? Or will she be the same Tess Mercer that we all hate and want gone? Only time will tell but for now, let the speculation recommence!