SuperFan123's All-Star Superman Review............

SuperFan123's All-Star Superman Review............

Does DC's newest animated feature deliver, or does it fall flat on it's super face? hit the jump to see my thoughts and reaction to All-Star superman

Review Opinion
By SuperFan123 - Feb 25, 2011 01:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman (Animated)

Now let me inform that before Seeing this, I have not read Grant Morrison's All Star Superman line, so to see how the movie compares to it's original comic counterpart, you'd have to ask Anil Rickly, as he reads everything it seems.

All-Star Superman (which I will have to keep fully typing out, as the abbreviation isn't appropriate) is a story about a dying hero, and what legacies he wants to leave behind.

The basic plot is Lex Luthor tries to sabotage a scientific mission to the sun. Superman saves it, but is so overcome with solar radiation, that it poisons him, increasing his abilities so much that his cells start to deteriorate. What follows is a random jumping around plot and story that is not only hard to follow, but extremely slow paced. It seems as though they tried to squeeze the entire All-Star Superman comic line, which lasted for 3 years or so, into a 1 hour 45 minute movie. The pacing is bad in that the movie drags very slowly from one "issue" to the next, with the action and conflict from each being well done and action packed, but resolved and moved on from before you can really feel any emotonal attachment to any of the characters or actions depicted.

The voice actors play their parts well, with the only really exemplary performance being from Lex Luthor himself, Anthony LaPaglia.

Some plots carry on from one individual story to the next, while others are completely pointess and rushed in for no apparent reason. I'm a big fan of Superman, and I appreciated the use of more obscure characters in Samson, Atlas, Parasite, Bar-El and his Kryptonian wife, Lex's neice Nasthalthia, and an army of robots in the Fortress of SOLITUDE.

Some things that irked me in the movie were the relative ease in which a formula to give someone Superman's powers for 24 hours was concocted, and the way that parasitee was portrayed as nothing more than a simple minded monster focused only on consuming Lex Luthor's life force, even if he can clearly see a much brighter light coming from inside Clark, who is interviewing Lex in the prison where this particular scene takes place.

All in all, I'd say the movie is decent, and any hard core fan of Superman will find some enjoyment with it. I honestly found that the movie seemed boring with the extremely slow pacing and inconsistent jumping from one arc to the next with literally no transition time between.

I'd recomend buying this movie only if you are collecting the DC Universe animated features on DvD or Blu-Ray. For the casual fan, I'd say rent it, as you dont want to feel ripped off.

I give All-Star Superman a 6 out of 10
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loganaspatch - 2/28/2011, 3:30 PM
Nice Review ... more depth then the other one i read on this website. however i think parasite WAS trying to grab clark and not lex.

and yes i would have liked to see a longer movie
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