SUPERMAN Set Photos Feature DC Easter Eggs, A Nod To Tim Drake/Robin, And The Classic Daily Planet Logo

SUPERMAN Set Photos Feature DC Easter Eggs, A Nod To Tim Drake/Robin, And The Classic Daily Planet Logo

SUPERMAN: James Gunn Celebrates Hawkgirl's Anniversary And Reveals Which Iteration Isabela Merced Is Playing
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SUPERMAN: James Gunn Celebrates Hawkgirl's Anniversary And Reveals Which Iteration Isabela Merced Is Playing

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Lisa89 - 6/6/2024, 9:12 AM
Yeah, now I'm Steve LomBored. :(
Doomsday8888 - 6/6/2024, 9:12 AM
Time to hit the gym, bro.
regularmovieguy - 6/6/2024, 9:55 AM

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RolandD - 6/6/2024, 11:06 AM
@regularmovieguy - Great actor, but he was Steve Lombard in name only. He neither looked nor acted like Lombard.
regularmovieguy - 6/6/2024, 11:42 AM

Michael Kelly's awesome. Love the guy and I'm excited to see what he gets to do in The Penguin.

Also - I don't read many comics (read some graphic novels back in the day and would like to get back into them) so I have a pretty blank slate in terms of side characters and whether or not they "look the part." But I liked Kelly even if he had a small role in MoS.

Pretty obvious Beck Bennett is going to provide some comic relief at The Daily Planet. Loved his SNL work so I'm looking forward to his role in Superman.
dragon316 - 6/6/2024, 8:22 PM
@Doomsday8888 - majors does not look like kang fans was fine with that choice
RegularPoochie - 6/8/2024, 7:23 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Likewise I bet, "bro"
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harryba11zack - 6/6/2024, 9:14 AM
no, im not reading all that sh1t, just put whoever he is plaing in the title
TheFinestSmack - 6/6/2024, 9:18 AM
@harryba11zack - All that to say he's playing the dude they said he was probably playing in the article yesterday.
Origame - 6/6/2024, 10:32 AM
@harryba11zack - he's the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude.
bobevanz - 6/6/2024, 9:17 AM
He looks more like the waterboy than an athlete lmao, Twisters tickets on sales so get your fat asses off the couch
marvel72 - 6/6/2024, 10:45 AM
@bobevanz - Why would anyone buy tickets to see Twisters, it looks shit.
grouch - 6/6/2024, 9:21 AM
these tweets are so boring.
why not tweet things like concept art etc.. gunn is the most boring [frick]er on the planet. don't tell me, superman will say [frick] in this HELLA EPIC!
TheVisionary25 - 6/6/2024, 9:23 AM
Not surprising but nice nonetheless!!.

Bennett can play a great D-bag lol so it’s good casting imo.

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Hopefully he provides some nice comic relief at the Planet!!.
DocSpock - 6/6/2024, 9:23 AM

I can't stand this unfunny boob.
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 9:26 AM
Fine casting. I'm sure he'll do fine.
GeneralZod - 6/6/2024, 9:41 AM
No one cares. The action is at the Acolyte comment threads.
Dotanuki - 6/6/2024, 9:42 AM
I know we are more than a year out but I don’t feel any excitement for this movie yet. The first pic was underwhelming to put iit mildly. Hopefully they start dripping out some promos during SDCC.
regularmovieguy - 6/6/2024, 9:44 AM
Love Beck Bennett.
grouch - 6/6/2024, 9:46 AM
@regularmovieguy - bot
regularmovieguy - 6/6/2024, 9:49 AM

Virgin ^
RolandD - 6/6/2024, 11:08 AM
@regularmovieguy - 😂
regularmovieguy - 6/6/2024, 11:21 AM

Been waiting for this dude to tag me in some bullshit, haha. 😭
RolandD - 6/6/2024, 11:28 AM
@regularmovieguy -😂 He tagged me yesterday or the day before but his comment was so irrelevant I just ignored it.
TheOtherOn - 6/6/2024, 3:47 PM
@regularmovieguy - One of my fav sketch involving him!

CoHost - 6/6/2024, 9:47 AM
Found out the Lois actress is a nepobaby. Her aunt was a very rich fashion designer, Kate Spade and her uncle is David Spade.
RolandD - 6/6/2024, 11:09 AM
@CoHost - And she’s got mad talent which is what’s important.
TheOtherOn - 6/6/2024, 4:02 PM
@CoHost - Go and watch "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" before trying to act funny or expert.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She is probably one of the best casting choice for Lois Lane in my opinion and may even give Erica Durance and Elizabeth Tulloch a run for their money.
BlackBolt84 - 6/6/2024, 10:08 AM
Literally no idea who this actor even is. The fact that they keep announcing every minor little role cast in this thing just makes me feel like they're trying to keep some non-existent hype train rolling. I'm still convinced this movie is going to be awful, because Gunn is a hack who isn't right for a Superman movie.
Forthas - 6/6/2024, 10:12 AM
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PaKent - 6/6/2024, 10:31 AM
It's clear now that Gunn doesn't give a [frick] about this movie and Superman's legacy and fans!
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narrow290 - 6/6/2024, 11:19 AM
I'm so happy Disney doesn't have anything to do with this
Izaizaiza - 6/6/2024, 11:21 AM
Seems like good casting, from what I know of the character. Fingers crossed that this will be the next great adaptation of the character! 45 years is a long time to wait
WhateverItTakes - 6/6/2024, 11:32 AM
How is he related to Gunn?
RolandD - 6/6/2024, 11:34 AM
I would have expected someone taller if he’s supposed to be a former pro quarterback. Back in the day, he used to be shown about the same height as Clark/Superman.
TheVisionary25 - 6/6/2024, 11:45 AM
@RolandD - he could be a running back or they won’t be going into the Football backstory

We’ll see though , I doubt he’s fleshed out much.
RolandD - 6/6/2024, 12:00 PM
@TheVisionary25 - True. Anything would be more fleshed out than the character in MoS.
Steel86 - 6/6/2024, 11:56 PM
@RolandD - He'll probably just be a sports caster with either no playing background or Gunn might do a smaller sport backstory for a laugh. Sidenote- Michael Strahan would've been a good pick.
NinnesMBC - 6/6/2024, 11:55 AM
I only know some of the comedians from SNL and he isn't one of them.

My fave version is the animated one from the current My Adventures With Superman, hopefully the live-action iteration is like that.
thedrudo - 6/6/2024, 12:26 PM
I love Beck so much.

Him and Kyle Mooney are two favorites of mine. Watched Brigsby Bear for the first time this week and was happy to see a small role for Beck in it.
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