My Prediction for Season 2 flash story line includes Futures end influences and a Wally West Flash! Here is how I have come to that conclusion and then some. In Tuesday night's episode of The Flash during the body snatcher scene Eobard says to Harrison; "In the year twenty twenty (five years from now) you and your wife Tes Morgan successfully launch a particle accelerator that changes the course of history". Eobard accelerated that timeline, to the year 2015 (technically 2014, and they should have had the line read 2019). Five years from now, the DC Comic Universe plot line for Futures End is as follows: "Reeling from a war with Another Earth, leaving the world unprepared for an approaching evil that threatens to destroy the future can a time traveling Batman (beyond)." Now simply begin to replace batman with "Can a time-traveling Barry Allen, help a massive cast of the DCU’s finest avert the impending apocalypse caused by the changes to the timeline Eobard Thawn the Reverse Flash set in motion after the eventual survival of Barry's mother? That means season two should be getting heavy doses of influence from the Futures End storyline. For the new as-yet-unnamed show, they are casting characters like HawkGirl, so this gives some credibility to a "massive cast" I digress, now since Harrison wells and Tess Morgan will be the cause of the S.T.A.R. labs explosion in 2020, we should see some new superheroes from older cast members, like Cisco becoming Vibe and Mrs. Katlin snow becoming Killer frost. Biggest change of all should be Wally West being struck by lightning. Now Barry Allen should be around and most of the show(s) will somehow revolve around getting Barry back to his timeline. (This plot point will require assistance from some very powerful superheroes and multiple Speedsters) Barry will be playing a Sensei role to Wally in somewhat like a Kid Flash like relationship. So the Grant Gustin Fans should remain at ease. I'd expect Arrow to follow suit for its next season. I wouldn't even be surprised to see The Arrow die and have a funeral at the end of this season only to have the events from the flash overwrite that series to get it in line with the new format. This could also explain Red Skies and a differently dressed flash in Eobard's news paper. Well there you have it, only time will tell but we will have to wait to see what happens. To end on a personal request if anyone from DC is reading this, (I'm looking at you GJ) I'd love to see the new show called Another Earth, it would be a fantastic nod to the Futures End Storyline.