So I looked around and found some stuff. Now dare I say it, in my opinion NONE of this is good news. It appears that David Dobkin is directing this film. He is the "amazing" director that most recently brought us Fred Claus. (However he has also done Wedding Crashers which was hilarious but does not qualify him for this job.)Ok I think you get my point. This guy has been making crap comedies since almost the beginning of time. He has no qualifications to direct a superhero/action movie at all. Thats what I think about that guy, go ahead and think what you want my opinion will not change.
Continuing with the bad news, Chris Brancato has been signed to write the screenplay. Ever hear of him, HUH? I didn't think so. He hasn't done anything worth wasting my time to note in this article. Though I can say he has written a few things, only two movies however. Two movies that i have never heard of, and will assume many others have not. So to sum this up this movie if has no chance in hell of being good if these are the guys the stick with. Now mind me they still have plenty of time to change there mind as the movie is not due out until 2011. I for one sure hope they change there mind. If they don't I wish it well, and pray for a mericle.