Ever since the epic mid-season finale of The Flash, more questions have been raised about the mysterious Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) than answers. Who is he really? And what is his endgame?
Jumping right into it, there are simple answers for each of those questions, but it is possible that Wells could be one of two people. Neither of which is any real iteration of the Reverse-Flash. I believe Dr. Wells is in fact an adult version of Bart Allen from an alternate future where the Flashpoint event (or an event of similar consequence) occurs, only the Flash never returns. That or an original super-speedster character created for the show coming from a similar circumstance. Bart Allen just makes more sense due to the seeming connection between the Wells and Barry.
As for his ultimate goal, that is more simply the age old mission of any time traveler from the future, change the past. In Dr. Wells' case, preventing Barry from being lost in the Flashpoint event or preventing it from happening all together. This is why he seems so set on increasing the Flashes abilities. Make him stronger now so he can be ready for whatever comes.
The problem with this theory? It raises a slew of questions all its own. First of all, if he is the descendant of the Flash, how can he be the reason for all the meta-humans in the first place. This could be explained by Wells' need to control and facilitate everything. He wanted to ensure that all of this would happen, and the best way to do that would be to do it himself. But if that's the case, why not just prevent the coming of the meta-humans altogether, make it so that none of it will happen regardless? That could be explained by the simple truth, its going to happen anyway. We have to assume that being a time traveler and a genius Wells' has exhausted all possible outcomes and, at least to him, this is the best possible one.
But then how is seeming reveal as the Reverse-Flash explained away? Well clearly he is, but he isn't. If my theory holds, he is Bart Allen, and being such has knowledge of the speedforce and its workings, creating his own Reverse-Flash suit. The reason for this is so that he can manipulate Barry's hatred of the real Reverse-Flash, being the murderer of his mother, and show him that he has a lot to learn yet/push him to reach his full potential. And the reason for his theft of the tachyon particles? This could be because they are the reason for the creation of the real Reverse-Flash, if it could make someone with super speed faster, why not make a normal human a super speedster? So as another contingency plan, Wells' could be attempting to prevent the creation of the Reverse-Flash. Obviously the plan will backfire and Wells' in fact left all the makings of a superfast supervillain in a nice little gift wrapped package.
Now there may be some other loose ends, like his association with Gorilla Grodd. Again his main goal may have in fact been to prevent the creation of legendary Flash villain, but more than likely backfired. Unfortunately, it seems that that will be the story for this would be hero, but he may be able to change the fate of the Flash yet.
Now will any of this be proven true? Maybe some of it, maybe none of it. The unfortunate fact of a theory is that it cannot be proven or disproven until tested, and in this situation the only test is to watch the show, and wait for the creators to reveal the truth.
What do you think of my theory? Anything you'd change? Or have an entirely different one? Share your thoughts in the usual place.