A G.I. Joe Vs. Transformers movie would be a dream come true for me being that my childhood started in the 80's, and Transformers and G.I. Joe ruled my brain, along with the Thundercats...but that's another article for another time. The Transformers movie brand has released four successful films so far with two of the films struggling a bit before getting back on track with the last release. G.I. Joe has released two movies, with the first one being a little iffy and the second one being much better than the first, but something is still missing. I believe the two franchises can help each other.
Michael Bay, the director of all the Transformers movies tried bringing in new life when they added Mark Wahlberg as it's human star but it's more of the same thing over and over again. I think die hard Transformers fans keep the franchise afloat. Jon Chu, the director of G.I. Joe tried the same with bringing in The Rock as Road Block as it's main new character, which added some excitement and some success. The problem with Transformers is that the human's are unknown. They are not from the comic books or cartoon, their appearence in the movies don't come off big like Snake Eyes or Cobra Commander would. This summer a Paramount movie producer shot down the idea of the two movies coming together but I don't believe him and here is five reasons why.
1. I'm pretty sure most movie goers would love to see these comic book icons come together. Plus I'm pretty sure they share the same fan base.
2. Michael Bay can pretty much do whatever he wants with the Transformers movie line. It is unsure if Jon Chu will be back as the G.I. Joe movie director. Paramount pictures distributes both Transformers and G.I. Joe movies (translation: Paramount loves Michael Bay, and probally has considered him for both movie franchises).
3. Transformers and G.I. Joe share the same Universe and have already been featured in crossover comic books together several times.
4. HASBRO studios owns the movie rights to both Transformers and G.I. Joe. They own the trademark license and merchandise. They base characters and weapons for both films off of Hasbro's approved toy line. Plus Hasbro has already made G.I. Joe and Transformers crossover toys. Toys is where Hasbro made most of their money off of these movies.
5. DC Warner Bros. has scheduled a release for Batman Vs. Superman plus a Justice League film. With Marvel/Disney ready to release The Avengers 2 and a bunch of other Superhero team up movies, Hasbro Paramount will have basically no choice but to try and keep up with the other movie franchises, it's the new trend that started off of Marvels success with Avengers 1. If you haven't notices that between all of these superhero movies G.I. Joe and Transformers movies have come out. So if the other companies step their game up they will have to also.
In closing G.I. Joe Vs. Transformers will give a fresh start to two old franchises we all know and love. I've created a trailer I want you guys to check out. For some strange reason I cannot post the video in the article but here is the link and I will put the video in the comment section below. If you like the video please subscribe to my channel Gab N Sam. Thank you God Bless.