Arrow Season 5
The Plot
Episodes 1-8 (First Half of Season)
Chien Na Wei (Leader of the Chinese Triad, we met her back in Season 1) has returned to Star City and is establishing her drug empire in the city. With her arrival hardcore drugs such as cocaine and heroin are on the streets and it is pretty bad. Knowing Green Arrow would be a problem for her, she hires Deathstroke to take him out. Green Arrow and Roy (Arsenal) work together and sabotage Chien Na Wei's drug operation. Oliver is a more postive/jokester type of character. It is clear that Oliver and Roy have grown close, and have a brotherly relationship. In these beginning episodes Roy and Oliver's main concearn is brining down the drug operation, but Count Vertigo would make a final appearance here.
At the docks, Green Arrow and Arsenal are perched on a shippng container surveying the area. Chien Na Wei's men are carrying heavy containers and loading them into vehicles. Suddenly the shipping container they're on explodes and they jump to the ground. All of the thugs are looking at them confused. The thugs engage the heroes by unloading the magazines of their automatic weapons. The heroes take cover to avoid the gunfire. A familiar voice orders the thugs to flee with the drugs they have, and to Oliver's dismay it is Deathstroke (he set up the explosives on the shipping container they were perched on). Green Arrow tells Roy to chase the fleeing thugs on his motorcycle, while he fights Deathstroke. The chase is very intense and action-packed. As Oliver and Slade fight it is very beautiful watching these two master martial artists engage in combat. This would be the best fight in the entire series. Just as it looks like the fight will end in Oliver's favor Slade presses a button on a hidden device. The button fires a bullet from a remote controlled sniper rifle on a tripod a great distance away. The gunshot is so loud Roy gets distracted and lets the vehicles get away. Oliver is lying on the ground bleeding heavily and Slade disappears by the time Roy arrives.

Episodes 10-22 (Second Half of Season)
Oliver is hospitalized and out of comission (For a few months). Roy has taken on the mantle of Green Arrow, reluctantly. Felicity has noticed Roy's behavior is off, but she chalks this up to him reacting to the recent tragic events. Diggle returns to help Roy with the resurgenge of The Royal Flush Gang (Playing card-themed thieves in the DC Universe introduced earlier in the Arrow series). Diggle notice Roy's behavior is off as well, and notices that he isn't as confident as before and he is more brutal with thugs. Diggle asks him how he's feeling, Roy gets agitated by this question and replies that he's fine. Later, When Oliver is feeling better Diggle suggests that he pays Roy a visit at his apartment. Oliver knocks on the door to Roy's apartment and there is no answer, yet the lights are on. Oliver knocks again, and then trys to open the door which is already unlocked. When he enters he can't believe what he sees: Roy shooting up heroin.

Oliver runs toward Roy and smacks the needle out of his hand. "A damned junkie!" Oliver says clearly irate with him. Roy ( under the influence) pushes Oliver away from him. Oliver hits him hard with a right cross. A fight ensues between the two. Oliver wins (though it isn't an easy victory) and as Roy is bloodied on the floor he says, "I had no one." Oliver pauses for a moment and thinks about this statement. Then Oliver replies coldly, "You're done." Oliver leaves the apartment and both of them are crying (Not full on ugly crying, but a few tears are present as this is an emotional moment). Oliver resumes his role as Green Arrow and in a few nights he is able to end Chien Na Wei's drug organization, and she is sent to prison.
FINAL EPISODE (Season 5 Episode 23)
Oliver monologues about how he never thought "Green Arrow" would be bigger than himself as he is on a night patrol. He is traversing rooftops until he comes across Deathstroke " Your little sidekick, Roy Harper attempted to get 'revenge' last night." Slade throws pictures of a beaten tortured Roy at Oliver. "I ripped his arm out of its socket. He cried out in pain for hours." Slade smiles. "He was just a kid!" Oliver yells about to punch Slade. Slade grabs Oliver's extended arm and flips him. "You brought a kid into this game. " Slade whispers before disappearing. Oliver races to the hospital and into Roy's room. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ever let you out into the field. You're just a kid." Oliver says. "Get out!" Roy yells. "I'm sure Cisco could do something for your arm." Oliver says generally concearned. "Get Out! I'm not a kid anymore. Every decision...Every mistake that was made was mine to make" Roy replies. Oliver looks at him one last time, before he leaves the room in silence. In the final scene Oliver is in the Quiver (Arrowcave) still thinking about how he ended the relationship with Roy on a sour note. He is surpised to see Amanda Waller is there. "What do you want, Waller?" he asks. She hands him a file folder marked: JUSTICE SOCIETY. Oliver opens the folder and sees pictures as well as detailed profiles on the following: Green Arrow, The Flash, Atom, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, Supergirl, and Vixen.